28 | 𝙳𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜

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☘︎ Jᴇɴɴɪғᴇʀ Rʏsᴏɴ ☘︎

Accompanying Viviane to the club was an impulsive decision.

Yet it had felt like the best thing to do when I'd returned home after my father's confession and found Viviane all dressed up at the doorstep of the guest house, ready to go partying.

As if carrying the guilt of having my mother's blood on my hand wasn't enough, now every day that passes, the grief over the time I'd wasted because of a misunderstanding instead of spending time with my Dad would stick too. Then there was the fact that I thought I saw the clown again at the hospital.

It was getting too much. I needed a breather from everything that had been happening. It's a weekend, so I couldn't even work till I forgot everything. I just didn't want to break down in a pathetic flow of emotions.

But as Lykas raises my chin up, making me meet his gentle gaze, "What happened?" Speaking in a tone so soft as though I'm a delicate thing he needs to handle with care.

Something in me cracks. Threatening to crumble at his feet.

I get off his lap like he's scalded me. Lykas grabs my hand, careful fingers wrapping around my wrist, "Don't shut me out."

"Let go." The hurt in his eyes at my obvious disregard to his plead makes me feel worse. I know he wants to ask further what's bothering me, but he respects my answer and albeit hesitantly, lets go.

I walk away from him as fast as I can, especially when my chest constricts from too many conflicting emotions. I absolutely loathe the prickling sensation in my eyes, the running thoughts in my head. . .

I killed my mom.

My dad has cancer.

I never got enough time to spend with either of them.

The clown keeps following me everywhere, even when I know none of it is real.

I'm going insane.

Nausea churns in my gut when the entire lighting in the club goes off, so sudden and out of nowhere it renders me frozen in my spot. Silence stretches and stretches. Until a low melody resonates from the speakers.

A sick feeling envelops my body at the beginnings of the haunting lullaby.


Ding dong
Here I come to find you
Hurry up and run
Let's play a little game and have fun
Ding dong
Where is it you've gone to?
Do you think you've won?
Our game of hide and seek has just begun


The utter darkness around the club worsens the horror of the song tenfold. My heart thumps loudly in my chest, my eyelids blinking rapidly to clear through the blackness and see some tiny flicker of light.

I think there are people yelling, but all I can hear is the music echoing around me and my breaths coming out in short puffs. My delusions amplified by the constant hauntings of the last two weeks results in me hearing the sound of footsteps approaching me. Heavy, thumping footsteps. The footsteps of the clown. . .


I hear your footsteps
Thumping loudly through the hallways
I can hear your sharp breaths
You're not very good at hiding


Suddenly I feel like laughing. Every detail I hear, the song mentions it. The irony isn't lost on me.

Am I imagining the song? The darkness? The footsteps? Is any of this even real?

No, it must not be. I'm crazy.

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