27 | 𝙺𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚘𝚔𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚜

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(Listen to the song "Looking at me by Sabrina Carpenter" for chapter vibez)

☘︎ Lʏᴋᴀs Vɪᴛᴀʟʟɪs ☘︎

The Paradise Club resembles a magnanimous concert hall, disco lights like colorful prisms reflecting in the dimly lit confines and rock music blasting from the speakers that are an obvious trip to a possible migraine. Being one of New York's most popular luxury clubs situated at the heart of Times Square and known for hosting live events, the place is packed with people.

My eyes scan the club in urgency, heart thumping in my chest. Jennifer's not on the dance floor among the groping bodies, neither at the bar counters having a drink.

Brows furrowing in confusion and a sliver of dread gripping my conscience, I approach the drinks counter to inquire whether any of the bartenders had seen a certain brunette. Only for my steps to fall short at the sight of my best friend leaning against a bar counter at the far corner.

Romeo Valentino looks like a dark silhouette prone to blending in the shadows, except he could never blend. He is danger personified. Even now when most of the people must not know who he is, the sole heir of the Italian Mafia, they give him a wide berth. Maintaining their distance albeit their eyes sneak traitorous glances at him. Because everything aside, Romeo is well. . .Romeo.

Attractiveness is embedded in his every single feature. Dark, chocolate brown hair swept neatly atop his head, thick brows furrowed in the makings of a scowl and a mouth of carnal desires pinched in their signature displeasure as though he's had enough of the entire human race. He's dressed in absolute crisp black clothes from his custom-tailored shirt to his pants, from the long coat draped over his lean muscled shoulders to the shiny tips of his leather shoes.

A wine glass in one of his leather-gloved hands, Romeo twirls the liquid in a circular motion, not bringing the drink to his mouth. His electric eyes are like an eagle's perusing its prey with concrete focus as he stares intently at something, or rather someone.

Pushing past the sweaty bodies, I sidle next to Romeo. While he's still religiously staring with that very very blank expression of his, I follow the line of his gaze to the familiar face of Jennifer's assistant.

Viviane—I think her name is—clad in a bloodred velvet dress that fits her figure like a glove, shifts the entirety of her shiny raven hair to one side of her shoulder exposing bare neck. She seems to be engrossed in a flirtatious conversation with the bartender, who is utterly smitten by her. Although the sole desire of my heart will always be Jennifer, I cannot deny that Viviane is gorgeous. But with the way Romeo is accessing her like she's a threat. . .no wait, he cannot be serious.

My brows furrow further in doubt. Don't tell me he called me here by trick to rile me and Jennifer isn't even really here. Knowing Romeo, that wasn't impossible. The unlikely company though. . .

Rolling my eyes, I make my presence known, "So that's the 'unlikely company' you mentioned?" I ask, gesturing towards the Viviane girl.

The bastard doesn't even startle at my voice, as if he's known all along I'd been standing beside him. Romeo simply passes me a cursory glance, "I believe so." A long drawl in a heavy Italian accented, deep voice.

Groaning, I rest my elbows on the bar counter and lean back against it, "C'mon dude, what's with your crazy obsession over suspecting everyone who looks innocent? She's a fragile thing. Let her be."

When I say fragile, I don't mean woman as fragile because they're the strongest people I know. Jennifer is a living proof. It is simply that the assistant is so delicate and smiley-faced, I don't get why Romeo would even consider her threatening, judging by the skeptism written all over his face.

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