18 | 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞

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☘︎ Jᴇɴɴɪғᴇʀ Rʏsᴏɴ ☘︎

Silence stretches like a gum in the luxurious confines of the tesla, as I swivel the car into a suburban neighborhood in Brooklyn at half an hour distance from Manhattan where Davidson Villa is situated.

"You live in the suburbs?" Lykas' finally breaks the ice, his tone surprised. He glances outside the passenger-seat window at the cozy houses with their little gardens lining both sides of the vacant road.

"So he speaks!" I chide satarically, keeping my gaze trained on the road.

From the corner of my eyes, I see Lykas' body turn sideways to face me. He blinks as if in wonder, his lips twitching in amusement, "Is that sarcasm I hear, Ryson?"

I don't bother answering and turn the car into the right lane. In a manner of seconds, the neighborhood of sleek mansions welcomes us and Lykas slumps back in his seat.

"I knew those cute houses were too homey-domey for you." He sighs dramatically, a fleeting smile lingering on his lips before he looks away at the scenery outside, the smile lost.

It bothers me. He'd remained uncharacteristically quiet the whole ride here. I don't expect him to cry or sulk or throw a tantrum, heck I shut myself up whenever too much of my emotions threaten to leak out.

But I remember the way David had gripped his neck so hard, I know it was painful. If not that, Lykas had flinched everytime David's hold grew tighter and yet he just stood there, not ridding himself free of his father's death hold.

My hands tighten on the steering wheel, the tesla coming to a halt in front of a modern two-storey, sleekly built mansion with grey brick walls and black glass windows.

Lykas straightens in his seat taking in the architecture before getting out of the car robotically to come to my side of the door. He opens the door for me only to find me scowling at him. Not being bothered by the scowl, he simply grabs my hands and pulls me out of the car's seat, shutting the door behind.

"What's that house for?" Lykas points at the twin house next to mine, in the same yard.

"Guest house. My assistant Viviane and the bodyguards live there during their time off and at nights when I was in Davidson Villa." I explain and when I see the slight panic on his face he tries very hard to conceal, I quickly add, "You should stay in my house if you don't want them to notice you or ask questions. No one will bother you."

Another small smile touches his mouth, this time genuine and thankful, "Lead the way then, Ryson."

The moment we're inside the black and white interior of the house, Lykas flops down on a velvet settee spread across the living room. Tilting his head backwards, he rests the back of his head on the couch and shuts his eyes. His hair frames his forehead and silken short strands drape over the velvet surface, their midnight colors mingling.

Shaking my head, I leave him be and turn towards the stairways, "There's a guest room in the left wing of the second floor. You can sleep there. I'll leave you be-"

"Jennifer," Lykas' voice is so soft that for a moment, I'm not sure whether he really called me.

Rotating around, I look at him. And there he is, no longer with his eyes shut and head resting against the couch. He stares deeply at me, his eyes holding a horde of emotions. He opens his mouth as if to say something then shuts up.

"What is it?" I ask, making my way over to the couch.

Lykas continues staring for a minute longer before looking down at his hands on his lap, "Look, I really appreciate you defending me earlier. But. . ." He takes a deep breath, "You don't know my father. He will hold a grudge against you because of this. Because of me."

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