21 | 𝙲𝚊𝚗 𝙸 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝚁𝚢𝚜𝚘𝚗?

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☘︎ Lʏᴋᴀs Vɪᴛᴀʟʟɪs ☘︎

The probability of Jennifer Ryson crying equalled to the probability of pigs flying.

Even in the yacht a week ago when I knew something had triggered her to hide in the storage room and crouch in on herself, there wasn't a single tear she had shed. She'd doned an ice-cold exterior as hard as the diamond, cutting and sharp and emotionless.

I could take that. I could take her icy demeanor a thousand times over the way she looked right now, like she hated showing the vulnerability she displays but she felt helpless to stop, like she was going to loose it and scream out of frustration from whatever was going on inside her head.

Her tears very near undo me.

As I brush away the last of her tears with a stroke of my thumb against her soft cheek, I vow I'm going to kill whoever published that damn article. Whatever the motive, I didn't fucking care. They were going to die ugly. Although first, it's going to be a raging fuck-you to whoever tried to mess with her. My father is going to be furious about what I have in mind, but for once I feel like I couldn't care less. For once, it feels like the right thing to do.

I know how much Ryson Group means to Jennifer. I've always, even when I was supposed to despise her for being my rival, secretly admired her for building the multi-billions company all on her own. Unlike me who was going to have everything only because my father was going to hand it to me. I'd been envious, even if a part of me that I didn't want to acknowledge was proud of her. And I won't stand still when the company she put her blood, sweat and tears building, was going to crumble. Especially when I can do something. Especially to stop those tears.

Focusing back to the greenest green eyes I've ever seen, I smile a charming, mischievous smile, "Then c'mon, my darling business rival, let's make the greatest romantic headline of the decade."

I grab hold of Jennifer's hand, tugging her along to the center of the ballroom, entwining her long fingers with mine. I love how they fit just about right.

The people stare my way as though I've gone crazy, their whispers growing louder among each other. Somewhere among the stares, I can feel my father drilling holes into my head along with Samuel and Mia's amused gazes observing me. Langford pauses on his stride mid-way, looking on with curiosity, even though a part of me knows he wants to approach Jennifer.

"To all the he's and she's and they's present here, while you people waste your time over petty articles, I'd like to enjoy the party with a dance so I can announce something afterwards." I declare loud enough, gaining the attention of every single person attending the function.

Not waiting for their reaction, I turn to my business rival and lift her hand to my lips to kiss her knuckles. Raising my gaze to hers, I ask softly, "Dance with me?"

Jennifer stares blandly, an imaculate brow raising in question. I widen my eyes a little, telling her telepathically to act along.

Almost rolling her eyes, she nods. I gesture the wide-eyed DJ and the singers to play a song. Ignoring everyone's flabbergasted, he-has-lost-his-fucking-mind expression, I pull Jennifer to the dance floor with me.

The lights dim, a spot-light shining down on Jennifer and me. It's really unnecessary but I think in order to make this charade I have in mind look even more attention-catching, it works about right.

The DJ plays the karaoke tune. Music hums along the speakers as a set of singers start singing from the stage in chorus and filling the ballroom with a musical trance.

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