7 | 𝙳𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗

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☘︎ Lʏᴋᴀs Vɪᴛᴀʟʟɪs ☘︎

There are moments when a person gets an out-of-body experience.

For me, it so happened to be when my eyes drowned in the sight of my business rival in a scandalous nightgown.

Don't get me wrong, I'd seen my fair share of woman in next to nothing. But. . .seeing Jennifer Ryson wearing anything other than her signature business suits, it was like the first time I saw her in a red cocktail dress at a fundraiser. I'd been completely enthralled then, except this time my blood increased ten times it's temperature.

Because there she was, in that silk nightgown, looking like sin incarnation itself. There was so much of her smooth, silken light tan skin in display, that my thinking process had short circuited. Hell, she was fucking gorgeous.

The warmth creeping up my neck was uncalled for. I didn't believe myself to be a blushing man, but seeing her like that, it'd been disturbing yet so. . .enchanting. Hence, out of body experience rest in case.

I shouldn't be feeling so disoriented about it, but I did.

So much so that when my aimless footsteps make it to the dining area in all its pristine white, shiny marble-y confines, my mind is still in a heated haze to notice my surroundings.

"Lykas." The voice addressing me with welcoming cadence is a splash of cold water to my burning soul.

With a slow blink and a sluggish shake of my head, I bring my focus to Samuel Davidson.

The real estate business tycoon in his late forties seated at the head of the table, struck a striking profile. His face a mask of cutting features, straight angled nose and sharp green eyes. Salt and pepper hair gelled to perfection atop his head.

Moon sat to his right, looking elegant and poised. She passes me a smile in greeting before diverting her attention to the numerous maids in black and white uniform setting up the table.

A warm smile graces Samuel's face, "It's good to see you, Lykas. Have a seat. How have you been?"

It had always been a wonder to me how father and Samuel were best pals, they weren't similar in any sense. While David Vitallis believed woman were meant to look pretty and play house, Samuel was a feminist. Father was a reckless force, Samuel had always been the calm and collected one.

Somehow it reminds me of Jennifer and me. She's the calm storm and I'm the reckless force.

Settling myself on the dusk brown velvet chair next to Moon, I return his smile, "The usual boring life. Nothing exciting. I heard you were on a relaxation trip though."

Samuel sighs, an expression of fatigue coloring his features, "A trip I would've rather not gone to. Mia was in critical and I regret not being here for her surgery. The jets had gone to pick up the two surgeons from Miami and Canada, so I couldn't make it in time. In conclusion, it was no relaxing trip."

"Mia is fine now though. I'm sure the doctors were best at their job. You have nothing to worry about." I offer words of consolation, because the man truly looks aggrieved about not being here for his daughter.

Well, step-daughter. But for Samuel, Mia meant a lot.

"I suppose." Samuel nods, his shoulders visibly relaxing before a gleeful glint shines through his eyes, "Your father and I discussed your and Mia's engagement, Lykas. He wanted me to ask you if you were fine with the date we decided. You have no idea how ecstatic I am to have you as my son-in-law."

A sudden weight lodges itself on my chest, but I manage a forced smile, "When is it?"

"Two weeks from now. Everyone will be there for Davidson Group's 50th annual anniversary party. The HR suggested you propose to Mia at the party and we'll anounce the merger a week after. David believes it'll benefit both our firms with increased share prices if we make the proposal a public event the media could feast on. They always go wild over a romantic proposal story." Samuel pauses, a furrow forming between his brows as he sets his gaze on me, "But if you're uncomfortable with it, I could convince David to consider otherwise. It's yours and Mia's choice at the end, Lykas. Mia said she was fine with it. Are you?"

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