14 | 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚈𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚝 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢

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☘︎ Jᴇɴɴɪғᴇʀ Rʏsᴏɴ ☘︎

The droning wings of the five mega helicopters carrying the guests for the party, is a constant whir in the silent sky as they venture their path towards the yacht in the middle of the ocean.

"Descent into international waters. Estimated time : 5 minutes aproximate." The pilot's announcement echoes in my headphones.

Brows crossing in confusion, my head turns to Mia sitting next to me on the luxury leather seat of the chopper, "International waters?" I parote.

Mia gives me the coyest smile of the century, sharing a secretive look with Lykas who sits right across us. Both of their headphones are carelessly taken off, the devices haphazardly thrown on the seats.

Mia is in a baby pink sundress with little hot pink bows knitted on the shoulders. Lykas is clad in one of those khaki jeans and flowery print aloha shirt which makes him look like he just came back from a Hawaii trip.

Mia shrugs nonchalantly, "Yep. I told Dad we're going to have a yacht party. He didn't know it was in the International waters and not at the NY port."

When the words register, my eyes narrow at my sister, "We can't leave the city." I state the obvious.

"No one knows we did. As long as we're not fleeing city, we're good." Mia grins, "You don't have anything to worry about, Jenna Jen Jen."

I raise my arms in exasperation, the balloon sleeves of my ivory silk sundress rising up my wrists, "This is reckless. We're violating law."

Mia gives me a bland look, "C'mon, don't be a kill joy. I asked Francis to host the party, you don't want to miss the fun."

It's my turn to adorn the bland look.

Francis, Mia and I were like the golden trio, always having each other's back no matter the fact that we three lived in different parts of the world with Mia in New York, me in London and Francis in France. Francis is from the very few people who knows I'm Violet Davidson, since he's one of the other three kids who were kidnapped by the clown with Mia and me that day.

Mia's expression tranforms to insistent, "Look, lets enjoy for the day. If something happens, the elite team will take care of it, right Lykas?" She high-five's with Lykas who nods in agreement.

Sighing, I shake my head with a grumble, "Fine."

One by one, the choppers descend over the wooden plank extended next to the yacht, depositing the passengers on steady ground before the aircrafts take off to the air, whirring in the sky like bugs.

Mia is the first one to straight out bolt up the makeshift stairs onto the ginormous ship-sized yacht where Francis, childhood bestfriend extraordinaire, stands with his arms wide open.

Francis' golden skin glistens under the evening sun, those light blue eyes that steal the show on fashion runways twinkling as he smiles his show-stopper charming smile, running one hand through his sandy blonde hair. Francis has the kind of looks that are suited for Vogue magazine models, which he is.

"Hey girlfriend!" Francis sing songs, gathering Mia in his arms and twirling her around.

I'm so occupied staring at them with a small smile that I don't notice Lykas stepping up beside me once I've ascended the makeshift stairs and gotten on the yatch.

His husky voice jolts me to attention, "They aren't together?" Lykas wonders looking at Mia and Francis, a curious glint to his eyes that seems an awful lot like hope.

Mia laughs, throwing her head back as Fancis sets her down on her feet, "Boyfriend, I missed you!" She does one of those handshake-sans-fist-bump thing with him.

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