24 | 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚕𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚘𝚢

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☘︎ Jᴇɴɴɪғᴇʀ Rʏsᴏɴ ☘︎

Going on a shopping-spree is what clears my head when I'm stressed.

The bigger the headache of the issue plaguing me, the more the money I tend to spend. Despite the fact that I nonetheless end up selecting clothes and shoes from the latest collections my personal shopper slash designer purchases and custom tailors for me.

Ethan's declaration earlier about the clown being dead for the last eleven years....it just confirmed what I'd known for a while now.

Yes, maybe Lykas did see a clown in the yatch party and maybe Mia or Francis didn't invite him, but who's to say one of the other guests invited didn't bring along an entertainer in a clown's costume as their plus one? It happens quite often for me to look past it.

When the eerie voice of the clown singing his twisted lullabies had started to ring in my ears, his frozen red smile flashing in front of my eyes. While I just sat there on the leathery chair in front of Ethan's desk, concluding that I'm losing my mind, that I've actually been hallucinating, making the clown up when he isn't even alive. I know I need to see a therapist, ask for medications, but I couldn't just do it yet. I wanted to clear my mind per se.

Even if a part of me longed to stay back when Lykas had looked up at me with concerned eyes as I rose from my chair. He'd asked, "Are you okay? Where are you going? Can I come along?"

My emotions were shut behind a closed lid, I didn't understand how he'd even caught up to the paranoia swirling inside my head. But the fact that he could read me so well had me raising my guards even more. I'd become too comfortable around him lately, I didn't like it.

So to even the track back to a level where I was fairly comfortable, I'd let the ice I usually maintained for people show in my voice as I retorted, "Mind your business, Vitallis."

It didn't make me feel one bit better as I expected. Instead, the almost hurt look that had flashed in Lykas' eyes made me feel ten times worse, adding to my growing headache.

Which brings me to the present.

Glasses on my eyes and a scarf around my neck—a half-baked attempt to conceal my identity—with four shopping bags from Prada, Versace, Louis Vuitton and Dolce & Gabbana hoisted in my arms. In New York's signature place of wealth; The Fifth Avenue.

While Fifth Avenue is a mass street of multi-billions worth mansions and buildings where the richest of New York City cold-war compete against one another through their shiny residences, it is also a shopping center with various luxury brands stores situated at one place, one after another in a neat row.

I spot the Jimmy Choo store and stride towards it, determined to make it my final stop even if Lykas Vitallis' stupid face with those whisky eyes shimmered in sadness still keeps flashing in my mind making me want to scream. A part of me though is happy he's the one occupying my thoughts now instead of the clown, while another part wants to scowl at the absurdity of it.

The moment I'm inside the Jimmy Choo store in it's golden lighted glory, my eyes immediately land on the another two customers already present.

They're sitting next to each other. Mia in a soft pink crop-top with a large bow in the front atop her chest and a miniskirt with little layers that flutter around her mid thighs. Francis wears a plain maroon v-neck cashmere sweater and jeans, but still manages to look ready for a walk up on the fashion week runway. But that's not just it....

Mia's one hand is under Francis' sweater, the other one on his jaw. He's looking up at her with soft eyes and pulling her face to his by the back of her head. Their lips move against each other's. The salesladies are blushing and looking anywhere but at them.

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