31 | 𝚂𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚢𝚊𝚕

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☘︎ Lʏᴋᴀs Vɪᴛᴀʟʟɪs ☘︎

David Vitallis' gaze betrays him ever so often, straying to the single deadly-looking gun placed atop his expensive mahogany desk.

A whisky glass in hand, seated on a leather chair behind the desk in the woodsy confines of his study, my father is a picture of repulsed. Clearly pretending to be not bothered by the threat hanging around his neck.

Across Dad on the other side of the desk in a similar armchair, Romeo smiles into his glass of scotch with nary an emotion. Five of his Mafia men tower behind him, yet somehow he looks far more predatory than all of them together do.

"We don't have the whole day, David." Romeo sets his glass down on the desk, fixes his black leather gloves before those unflinching cold eyes connect with my father's.

"You have no right threatening me in my own house. In New York, that's against the law if you don't know." Dad refutes, venom lacing his tone.

"Fascinating you think I abide by the law." Romeo merely slides a finger along the desk, frowns at the littlest speck of dust coating his gloves, "I am the law wherever I go."

If it was anyone else, it would've sounded narcissistic. But coming from Romeo, it sounded like he was stating nothing other than a universal fact.

Leaning against the doorframe of the study observing both of them, I roll my eyes. We've been going at this for more than an hour now. I left Jenna sleeping peacefully to come here in the middle of the night, even when it pegged me to leave her behind. Atleast I managed to ask someone trustworthy to keep Jenna company. Although to say I'm restless is an understatement. But this is important as hell and these two stubborn men are not willing to back down. If I hadn't told Romeo specifically that he can not shoot my Dad, I'm certain he would've done it by now.

I straighten off the door, approaching them. Setting my hands on the plain surface of the desk, I bring my eyes to my father, "Tell the elite team to find what I want them to. They're afraid to do what I say unless you give them the approval."

I try to remain unaffected by his hatred-filled expression, "So you're an ungrateful brat now, ordering me? Is this what she told you to do? Did that bitch-"

"Don't." Whatever restrain I had, it tatters at the last word coming out of his mouth. He can't not get away with calling Jennifer anything.

I exchange a glance with Romeo and he shrugs, as if telling me I told you we should've begun with this.

Sighing, I set my attention back on my Dad, but this time my tone is threatening, "I have evidence against what you did to Fioren Havard's son."

Dad is undeterred. That is, until he recollects from the thousands of lives he'd ruined, who Fioren Havard is. Mom's lover. The man David Vitallis destroyed to the extent he commited suicide.

The first makings of a smile starts forming on my lips at the visible drain of his colour from his face, "Before you think you can have the elite team burry the evidence down, let me enlighten you that it is not in digital format. And the paper format of the document stating who you sold off the son to, it's already in police custody-VIP and high-level police custody. You refuse one more time, it gets leaked."

I settle on the chair next to Romeo. My best friend is suddenly interested in the conversation, his twenty-four-seven boredom evaporating. The bastard always loved a good threat.

I'd held onto the papers since I was a teenager after I found them in Dad's office. I didn't know back then what to do with them, but I know now. I had no way to find out the whereabouts of the son without my father realizing and I didn't want to risk him doing something rash to Fioren's son if he found out I was looking for the son.

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