16 | 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚍 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚠𝚜

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☘︎ Jᴇɴɴɪғᴇʀ Rʏsᴏɴ ☘︎

The moment Lycas and I arrive at the open party area of the yacht, we're greeted by the sight of a police team of six clad in crisply ironed blue uniforms, waiting for us.

Three mega helicopters with the words 'NY POLICE' printed on their shiny black exteriors, drone above our heads indicating how they'd traveled here to the middle of the ocean. But since when did the local police start owning luxury helicopters?

The answer comes in the form of a sensual voice, "Well well, if it isn't all the rich and mighty at one place."

My head whisks to the source of the sound, taking in the cop leaning against the rail of the yacht. His sandy brown hair is gelled in an attractive way, sharp features and athletic body carved beautifully on tanned skin. When his amber eyes catch my silent perusal, he winks at me.

I shoot a displeased scowl in return.

Lykas goes standstill beside me, then he's shaking his head as if realization dawns on him. Grabbing my hand, he tugs me along with him, dry amusement written all over his face.

"And you aren't part of it, Langford?" Lykas drawls the moment we're face-to-face with the cop.

Langford as in Ethan Langford? The supposed head of police department who is meant to lead Samantha's murder case? Which meant, we are indeed, royally screwed.

"I'm but a normal goverment policeman." Langford places a hand to his heart in mock-hurt. His eyes avert to mine with a mysterious glint and he extends a hand my way, totally ignoring Lykas, "The name is Ethan."

I simply give his hand a cursory glance before shifting my gaze around for Mia and Francis. I find them sitting on the wooden floor in the middle of the party area, looking drunk out of their minds. Mia has her head resting on Francis' shoulder while his head rests on top of hers, both of them side-hugging each other and openly ogling at the cop who is currently in a conversation with me.

"Ouch." Ethan pulls his hand back, running it through his hair, a secretive smile stretching on his lips. There's something strangely familiar about him. I can't quite point out but those eyes. . .

"What are you even doing here, Ethan? Weren't you supposed to be with Romeo in Italy, being allies and shit?" Lykas tilts his head to the side. They know each other?

"I will let you know that the Italian Mafia might kill you just for calling their boss by his middle name. Secondly, I was in Italy only because I owe Romeo a favor. In all trueness, I'm but a noble citizen of New York who lives and works here. Which reminds me," Ethan enunciates each word with perfect charm, holding up a finger to let us know he has more to say.

"A little birdy gave me a tip that I'd find three runaway richies here. At first, I didn't believe since on the call, Mr Davidson was very sure his 'guests' and daughter are at the local port partying. When I called up the local port though, they said there was no yacht party going on the docks. Then I thought why not verify myself and turns out, the mysterious tipper was right. Here you three are. So. . ." Ethan's still smiling, still holding the air of nonchalance when he pulls out three steely handcuffs from the back pocket of his pants.

Lifting the handcuffs upto our face level, Ethan's eyes turn serious, "Davidson, Vitallis and Ryson, you three are under arrest for violating a stringent stay-within-city order mid investigation."


There's a constant drip drip drip of water somewhere within the cramped four walls of the cell. It gnaws at my conscience like nails scratching down the length of a blackboard.

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