Vol. 2 Ch. 15 My Parents

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Ace's POV

I froze up briefly because I wasn't ready for that question. Ruby looked at me and said, "If you want to, that is. If it's too uncomfortable of a subject, you don't have to tell me. I'm just curious." I sighed and said, "Yeah, I guess it wouldn't hurt. Just give me a minute to collect myself first." Ruby held my hands in hers and said, "Take your time. I'm not going anywhere." I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath before I opened them and began, "I grew up with my parents in a village in Mistral. When I was around 10 years old, my parents and I moved here to Vale. About a year later, my uncle died and his funeral was being held back in Mistral. So my parents and I were going to take an Bullhead from Vale to Mistral to get there...


My dad led my mom and I to an Bullhead heading for Mistral. When we got on board, I could feel my heart beating faster. We took off and were immediately on our way. As we flew over the sea, I started looking out of the window and watch the flocks of bird fly around. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath of air. As I opened my eyes, my mom spoke up and said, "Now Ace, I know that your uncle passing away is hard, but remember that he'd been very sick these past 2 years. Now he's at peace. Just remember that." I nodded and said, "Thanks, Mom." She kissed my forehead and said, "No problem, sweetie." My mom smiled at and my dad said, "Jasmine, the pilot said that we should have a smooth ride the whole way to Mistral. We should be there in just a few hours." My mom nodded and said, "Good." My dad sat down beside us and put his arm around us. I slowly fell asleep on my mom's shoulder.

After a couple hours, I was woken up when someone yelled, "GRIMM INCOMING!" I turned to my dad and said, "Dad? What's going on?" He looked at me reassured and said, "There's a few Grimm that coming towards the Bullhead, but don't worry, son. This Bullhead is well-equipped for dealing with Grimm. We'll be fine." The pilot came on over the intercom and said, "Everyone buckle up and hold on. I'm going to have try evading these Lancers." Everyone secured themselves in their seats as the pilot began making multiple evasive maneuvers, but the Lancers kept gaining on the ship and began to shoot their stingers at it. I felt the Bullhead jolt hard as I saw multiple Lancer stingers sticking in through the ceiling. Before I knew it, the entire Bullhead was surrounded by a huge swarm of Lancers, which began to tear apart the ship. I cried out and said, "Mom, dad, I'm scared!" My parents put their arms around me and held me tight as the pilot yelled, "Mayday! Mayday! We're going down!" I closed my eyes as my parents held me tighter. We crashed into the ground and everything went black.

When I woke up, it was dark out. I saw that I was laying in an unfamiliar bed. I saw that I had some bandages around one of my legs, some on my arms, and one on my side. I sat up and saw that I was in an unfamiliar house, in a bedroom. I turned and saw a boy with light green hair, who was around my age, asleep in a chair next to the bed. I winced a little as I sat up, which woke the boy up. He looked at me with his aqua green eyes and said, "You're awake!" Then he rushed out of the room and came back with a woman who looked around my dad's age.

She had green hair and aqua green eyes like the boy. She turned to the boy and said, "Ray, sweetie, could you please give me some time alone with our friend here?" The boy, whose name I now knew as Ray, nodded and left the room. The woman walked over to me and sat down in the chair. She looked at me and said, "Hey there, sweetheart. I'm Olive Stone, and the boy you just saw is my son, Raymond Stone. May I ask what your name is?" I nodded hesitantly and said, "I-it's Ace. Ace D-Dodger, ma'am." She smiled warmly and said, "Nice to meet you, Ace. Do you know what happened?"

I thought about it for a second before I said, "I was on an Bullhead with my mom and dad, but we were attacked by Lancers. I think we crashed, but I don't remember anything after. Where are they? Where are my mom and dad?" Mrs. Stone held my hand and said, "I don't know how to say this, but they didn't make it, I'm afraid. My son and I saw you crash and rushed over to help. But you were the only person that survived. I'm sorry." I started crying as I burst into tears. She hugged me and said, "There, there. Let it all out." I cried into her shoulder and said, "I don't have anywhere to go now." Mrs. Stone rubbed my back gently and said, "You can stay with my son and I, if you want. How does that sound?" I sniffled and said, "R-really?" She nodded and said, " Of course. Besides, Ray could use a friend his age." I smiled weakly as I hugged her again and said, "Thanks, Mrs. Stone." She smiled and said, "Please, call me Olive."

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