Vol. 2 Ch. 18 The Dance Part 2

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Ace's POV

After a few seconds, the two of us separate for air. Then I stared into her breathtaking silver eyes as she stared into my blue eyes as we kept slow dancing together. After we danced for several songs, Ruby started to lose her footing and almost fell. I managed to catch her in time and helped her regain her balance again as I said, "Let's take a break from dancing." Once we were off the dance floor, Ruby turned to me and said, "That was actually really nice, Ace... You know, dancing with you." I smiled and said, "Yeah, it was fun dancing with you, even though you walked like a klutz." Ruby pouted at me, before lightly punching my arm and saying, "I hate you right now." I laughed out loud and said, "And I will always love you, Ruby." I put my hands on her cheeks and pulled her into another kiss. Then Ruby leaned forwards, lengthening the kiss.

Once we pulled away from the kiss, I said, "Let's go get a seat at a table." Ruby nodded and we both found a table, near the punch bowl. We sat down and watched as the rest of our friends continued dancing. I saw Mason come over to us with 3 cups of punch in his hands. He handed Ruby and I each a cup and I said, "Thanks, Mason." Ruby nodded and said, "Yeah, thanks." He smiled and said, "Don't mention it. I was getting myself a cup when I saw you two leave the dance floor. So I thought you'd both like some punch." Ruby and I both smiled and she said, "Sorry things didn't work out with Weiss." Mason shrugged and said, "Meh, it's fine. Neptune's pretty 'cool'. I get why she went with him." Ruby put her cup down and said, "What do you mean?" Mason took a sip from his cup and replied, "Well, come on, not many people can pull off blue hair like Ace here." I smirked and Mason took another sip of his punch as Ruby said, "No, I mean, Weiss came to the dance alone." Mason choked in surprise and said, "Uh, what?" Mason and I looked over to see Weiss trying desperately to coax life out of a wilting white rose. When she failed, she looked visibly upset. As we witnessed this, Ruby added, "Yeah, she said that she had too much to focus on to worry about boys." Laughter drew Weiss' attention to Sun, Blake, and Neptune as the latter entertained the others with some impressions and other silly faces. Mason, observing all of this, became visibly perturbed as he said in a low growl, "You two can have my punch." Mason set his cup on the table and walked away. Ruby and I shared a look and I just shrugged in response. I took Mason's cup and divided the punch from his cup between our own cups.

Mason's POV

I walked off to the balcony for a second and heard someone walk towards me. I turned and saw Neptune walking onto the balcony. He gestured toward me and said, "Hey, uh, Mason, right?" I sighed and replied, "Yup." Neptune said, "This party's pretty lame, huh? I mean, ballroom dancing. Pfft." I replied, "Yup." I looked back out over the balcony. Neptune gestured back to the dance and said, "Cute girls, though, huh?" I growled as I turned back to Neptune and asked, "Is that all you think about?" Neptune replied, "Huh?" I asked him, "Do you even care about the girls you're hitting on? How they feel about you?" Neptune took a step back and said, "Whoa! Where's this coming from?" I groaned and said, "How could you just turn her down like that?" Neptune asked, "Wait, h-who?" I answered him, annoyed, "Weiss!" Neptune replied, "I, uh... it, uh... it just didn't work out, you know?" I looked at him shocked and said, "What? You think that you're too cool, too many other options? Weiss Schnee asked you to the dance. What in the world could possibly keep you from go─"

Neptune looked shamefully at the ground and said, "I can't dance!" I looked at him calmly and said, "Come again?" Neptune replied again, "I can't dance, man!" I rolled my eyes and said, "You would rather break a girl's heart and go to a dance alone than just admit to everyone that you can't move in rhythm to music?" Neptune replied, "That about sums it up, yeah." Turning back to the balcony, I said, "Well, I certainly feel a lot better about myself." Neptune raised his palms and said, "Please don't tell anybody. Look, if you want Weiss, she's all yours. I don't wanna get in your way." I turned back towards Neptune as I placed my palms on the stone banister and said, "Do you like her?" Neptune replied and said, "Yeah, I mean I don't know her too well yet, but she seems pretty cool." I sighed and said, "Then just go talk to her. No pickup lines, no suave moves, just be yourself. I've heard that's the way to go." I crossed my arms as Neptune said, "Yeah, but then─" I cut him off and said, "Hey! You don't have to look cool all the time. In all honesty, if you could be a little less cool, it wouldn't hurt anyone." Neptune considered my advice and said, "Yeah, okay." I looked at him and said, "Go talk to her. I guarantee it'll make her night." He nodded and said, "Alright, and Mason, you're a great guy." I nodded as he walked away, then I went to find the rest of my team, because I had an awesome idea.

Ace's POV

Ruby and I found her sister leaning on a handrail and overlooking the festivities from a second tier as we approached and leaned on the rail next to her. She saw us and said, "You know? I think we really needed this." Blake and Sun were slow dancing while Ren and Nora appeared to be Waltzing. Ruby replied and said, "Yeah, and you did a great job planning it too!" Yang reached over to Ruby and said, "Aw, thanks!" She started crushing Ruby in a one-arm hug as she flailed frantically and Yang said, "It wasn't all me, though. Weiss did a lot too." Ruby stopped struggling and looked down at Weiss. Neptune approached and rubbed his neck nervously. Weiss invited him to sit with her as Yang said, "Tomorrow it's back to work." Ruby nodded and replied, "I'm sure we can handle whatever gets thrown at us." Mason came over to me and whispered something in my ear. I looked at him and said, "Yeah, sure. I'm down. Let's go get Ray and Bella." He nodded as I turned to Ruby and said, "My team is going to do something on the dance floor, hope you enjoy." She nodded and I followed Mason down to the main area.

3rd Person POV

Once Team AMBR had regrouped, they said something to the DJ, who nodded in agreement. Once the song that was playing had ended, the DJ started playing a line dance country song as Team AMBR walked out onto the dance floor and began to line dance as a team with the song.

Neptune and Weiss were watching the team dance and Weiss turned to Neptune and said, "So, what made you change your mind?" Neptune replied and said, "Huh?" Weiss looked at him and said, "You said you were embarrassed at first. What made you come talk to me?" Neptune replied and said, "You're looking at him." He gestured over to Mason, who was line dancing with his team, and added, "You got some good friends looking out for ya." She nodded and they continued watching the team dance together.

Ace's POV

Once the song had ended, I went back up to the balcony to see if Ruby wanted to dance some more. When I got up there, I saw that Yang still up here but Ruby was nowhere to be seen. I walked over to Yang and said, "Hey, Yang. Where'd Ruby go?" Yang shrugged and said, "I don't know. She may have gone to the bathroom or to get some fresh air, who knows?" I sighed and nodded before I said, "I'm still not sure how to feel about visiting you and Ruby's dad during break." Yang nodded and said, "I'm sure you'll be fine. I've seen how you treat Ruby and I'm sure our dad will like you. Trust me." I sighed again and said, "If you say so."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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