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- Eh...

I almost sighed in resignation, looking at my classmates. It was Class 1-B. No, they weren't bad people, they were just too good for me. Simply put, these students turned out to be friendly and very friendly.

Many girls and boys began to get acquainted with everyone around, showing sincere smiles. To be honest, I envy them. Unlike them, I have not had the opportunity to show any emotions for fifteen years of my life.

By the way, there was someone else in my class who wasn't friends with everyone around, just like me. This is a girl sitting in the seat next to me. Her name seems to be Himeno Yuki, if my memory serves me right.

She also does not make friends with anyone, on the contrary, she stays away from everyone, not wanting to delve into this whole friendly team. No, it was also not any kind of shyness or purely introverted behavior. She was directly repelled by the very idea of such a sugary friendship. If I had to talk about it, she was more like a student from Class C or Class D.

- Are you coming?

- Yes.

She asked me about it right now. The fact was that this is our second day at this school. Yesterday we crossed paths with her on the bus on the way to this place and got to know each other a little. Himeno said I had a "weird face." I don't think it was a compliment.

Although in any case, now we are going to the dorm together for some reason. I don't know why myself, but something in the depths of my soul tells me that it's better not to refuse this offer. After all, I didn't manage to make a single friend yesterday.

Yes, of course, Shibata, Ichinose, Amikura and Kanzaki were interesting guys, but it wasn't quite that. Here, rather, the point is that they are always like this. That is, it wasn't any special attitude towards me. They are always friendly with others. Well, more precisely, Kanzaki of the four of them is less friendly, he is more calculating, but still for him communication with others, apparently, also plays an important role.

Himeno is a completely different girl. Not only does she look very different from them outwardly, because she is the only one in the class who has clearly dyed her hair, but also her character is quite asymmetrical. In any case, she may be my only chance to finally understand what friendship is.

Although, looking at her, it seems to me that she herself does not know the meaning of this concept.

- Why did you sigh?

- Hm?

- Don't make me repeat.

Before that, we had already managed to pass some time together, being in complete silence. I thought that this situation would continue until the very end of the journey, but it turned out that I was wrong. Himeno decided to ask me something strange.

- Because Ichinose and the others make me feel that way.

- Disgust?

- It's only you who have such a feeling.

- Dissatisfaction?

- Maybe.

Himeno gave me an indifferent look and fell silent. I looked back at her before she looked away in the direction of the natural stone road along which we were walking.

To be honest, that girl is quite unusual and beautiful at the same time. However, her aloof nature seems to scare all people away from her. Although, to be honest, apart from Ichinose and Amikura, no one else has tried to talk to her yet. She told the two of them that she was not interested in establishing friendly relations, so the rest of the girls had to retreat.

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