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It happened within a week. I mean, Himeno Yuki was my friend first and now she is my real girlfriend. About a week ago, we kissed for the first time, after which we soon began dating, which is why the rumors that had been circulating about us almost from the very beginning of our studies suddenly became true.

At the moment, Yuki and I were heading to the dorm after a tiring school day. After all, there were only more physical education classes, and now Yuki was wildly reluctant to go to them. She was too lazy to attend physical education classes so often. In fact, I was in solidarity with her on this issue, as it was really problematic, because of the waste of time. Although it seems that people like Shibata enjoyed it all.

In any case, I should also note that during this week, Yuki and I have really made progress in our joint knowledge of romantic relationships. I mean, we've even gotten better at kissing since then. Well, or so it seems to me. At least, since the day before yesterday, all our days now end with kiss. That is, if we say goodbye until the next day, then a kiss between us is mandatory.

It was like a duty, which, fortunately, not only did not cause us any inconvenience, but was also quite pleasant. With each kiss, I felt as if something was changing in me. I don't even know if it's good or bad, but in itself this feeling of change is very funny, and it excites me.

- Kiyotaka.

- Mm?

Yuki turned to me while sucking on a banana-flavored lollipop in her mouth. I glanced in her direction and noticed that she was easily stretching her hand in my direction. In fact, we didn't walk too far from each other, I would say that the distance between us is about half a meter, so Yuki stretched out her hand not even specifically to my body, but only to my right hand, which is closest to her.

- Do you want to hold hands?

I made this assumption because this girl was quite tactile, like a cat who liked frequent stroking and combing. Of course, I didn't touch Yuki too often, but sometimes I allowed myself to touch her, which she clearly wasn't against.

- Huh..??!!

In response to my question, her face was surprised, rightly bordering on shock. Still, because of such a reaction, doubts also arose in me, but I understood perfectly well that there was no hurry with this girl. Her reactions to an external stimulus like me are very different and unpredictable, which is why it's too early to draw conclusions.

- Am I wrong?

Of course, one of the best solutions was a simple question. In the end, the most direct and accessible way is to ask the interlocutor head-on. Of course, such tactics have their disadvantages, but this does not negate its effectiveness.

- You...

Yuki looked like a timid kitten when our conversations or actions entered the path of romance. It could be said that this was her Achilles' heel.

- You're right...

This amazing girl told me the truth, along with a slight sigh, signifying her complete defeat. Even now she herself understood that such behavior was not typical for her, but at the same time she could not help herself. These changes in her character, under certain conditions, occur by themselves and cannot be influenced.

- Ah..??!!

In any case, I gently took my girlfriend's hand while she remained in some indecision. As a result, we walked further forward, holding hands. However, because of my actions, Yuki's cheeks turned red, as did the tips of her ears, and she only began to intertwine her palm and fingers with mine more actively. It seemed that now Yuki was afraid to let go of my hand, otherwise something bad would happen.

Of course, the blushing girl and the fact that we are holding hands with her, all this attracted some attention to us. People around us envied us to some extent, but nothing more. In the end, couples in love at this school were not very rare, however, you will not often meet them either. We can say that Yuki and I were very lucky to start dating so early at the beginning of the first school year.

However, this is only a general picture of what is happening. To be honest, I still don't understand myself or this romantic relationship between me and Yuki. I definitely like her, but it's still pretty weird. I mean, it's completely unclear to me what emotions I should be experiencing and am I already experiencing the right emotions? In general, there is simply no generalized answer to such a question, I will have to solve this riddle myself.

I can only say that it is quite pleasant to be with this beautiful girl right now. I'm glad she paid attention to a guy like me at all. It really seemed to me that it was unlikely that the girls would want to communicate with me, but Yuki refuted this fact. However, she is still the only one who communicated with me and still communicates.

Yuki's palm was soft and warm, which warmed not only my own palm, but also my heart. It seemed like I could melt away from the fact that we were holding hands. After all, many people for some reason consider it something depraved. Although the reasons are still unknown to me.

- By the way...

- Hm?

I turned my full attention to Yuki when she decided to talk about something. At the moment, there was embarrassment on her face, which was either due to the fact that we were holding hands, or because of something else.

- I wanted to watch a movie tonight...

- I see.

Well, it looks like she really wanted to share this news with me. Well, I had nothing against it. After all, everyone sometimes wants to speak out and share something with other people. I was ready to listen to my girlfriend if it made her feel happier.

- ...Don't you want to watch this together in my room??

- Mm..?

Well, it looks like the real reason for this topic turned out to be somewhat different than I thought earlier. This slightly surprised me, but I quickly managed to pull myself together, because such a question from Yuki was very important and even more so required an answer.

- I see no reason to refuse.

After my words, Yuki showed me her light smile, and a barely noticeable gleam of joy in her beautiful light purple eyes flashed only for a second. However, soon all these changes disappeared, leaving behind no mention, except for the fact that they were imprinted in my memory forever.

- What kind of movie is this?

- Huh??!

As if not expecting such a question, Yuki jumped slightly on the spot and at the same time squeezed my palm harder in hers. Her reaction seemed to me somewhat unusual, although this girl is quite unusual in itself.

- Um... this is...

- ...

My suspicious gaze did not let her down, so she could not find a quick solution to this issue. Apparently, there is something strange in that movie, or the movie itself is strange. Hmm, this is all very suspicious.

- It's a romantic comedy!!

- Hm? A romantic comedy?

I never suspected that Yuki likes films of this kind. Although it's quite strange that she actually shouted it in my face when something seemed come to her mind. For some reason it seems to me, she's just trying to hide something from me. Is it possible that this movie is not a romantic comedy at all, as my girlfriend says?

To be honest, it is quite difficult to answer this question. After all, as a hint, I have only Yuki's face flushed with embarrassment and nothing more.

I wonder if I've never been in a girl's room before. That will be interesting.

Well, the apogee of this book was the twelfth chapter. Of course, I originally planned the story further, even for volume 7 of LN, but after chapter 12 I'm not sure that it's worth continuing to write this fic. In fact, I almost don't have any motivation to continue doing this anymore.

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