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"So, guys and girls! You have to try for yourself and for me!"

"Yes, sensei!!"

Hoshinomiya-sensei tried to encourage all of our classmates to give their best. They were all in high spirits because of this and happily agreed with Hoshinomiya-sensei. Fortunately, Yuki and I stayed away from this noisy crowd of our classmates.

- Damn, this T-shirt is so tight.

At that moment, I could also listen to Yuki's irritated voice. She was complaining about her T-shirt because the thing seemed to be pressing on her chest. All this is very strange, considering that on a desert island in exactly the same T-shirt, Yuki felt quite normal. Well, actually I have no idea how she felt then, but at least she didn't complain.

Had her breasts grown in that short time? Interestingly, I didn't know that girls' breasts were growing so fast. I think this is useful information.

- Ah, damn...

Yuki put her hands under her T-shirt and started doing something strange. Because of all this, her T-shirt also lifted up slightly, exposing her cute tummy. Well, I wouldn't mind if she lifted her T-shirt up a little more. It's all just for the sake of research, because I still need to find out exactly whether her breasts have grown or not.

- Hey, Kiyotaka...

Yuki made a face as if she was not quite pleased to ask me for something right now. But still she called me, apparently because she understood my thoughts. That is, she's still going to tell me all the secrets of a woman's breasts now? It's a pity that I don't have a notebook and pen with me, but I'll try to remember everything to the smallest detail.

- Help me.

- Help with what?

Well, it looks like my early thoughts were not quite right. Apparently, Yuki wanted me to give her some help. Unfortunately, I had no idea what she needed help with. Can I help you take off your T-shirt? Interesting. Maybe she likes it when her boyfriend does it? Or is it normal for people in a relationship? Well, I guess I should do it. However, it would be better for us to go to a more secluded place. Although at the same time, Yuki may like to be naked in front of everyone. Is she an exhibitionist? Hm, I wouldn't mind taking a look at her naked body if she wants to show it to me so much.

- Eh... I need to take off my bra...

- Hm?

Well, apparently, I was wrong with my second assumption. Although at the same time, I think I was right at the same time. This situation is getting more interesting.

- This thing is pressing on my chest. It's inconvenient to walk like this.

- I see.

Wow, so I've been wrong all this time. It seems that this is the very reason why she was uncomfortable. It was all about the bra she was wearing now. Although, as I thought earlier, she felt fine on a desert island. Does this mean that Yuki wasn't wearing a bra at the time?

- I'll help you now.

Yuki turned her back to me and lifted her T-shirt to the level of her chest. I could admire at this moment her refined waist and the slight protrusions of the bones on her back. Hmm, maybe my girlfriend needs to eat more. Anyway, I touched her pale blue bra and tried to undo the clasp. Unfortunately, it turned out to be not so easy. In fact, it became quite difficult to undo the clasp of the bra.

- Ah! Don't pull so hard!

Yuki turned her head to the side to have me in her peripheral vision. She put on an expression personifying her annoyance at my actions and the situation in general.

- Sorry.

I apologized and tried to be more careful than before. I wonder what it's like to wear a bra? Maybe I should try it too? Although, considering all Yuki's complaints, this idea seems too stupid. In any case, I finally managed to undo the terrible clasp, after which the bra could be safely removed.

- That's all.

- Thanks.

Then Yuki took off her bra herself, unfortunately, without taking off her T-shirt. She just took her underwear in her hand and now thought about what to do with it. I looked around at that moment, because there could be people around, but, thank Eris, all our classmates were still distracted by something unimportant. Unfortunately, there was someone else here.

- ...

- ...

It was a girl I didn't know, whom I seemed to have seen somewhere before. She had long flowing purple hair and dark purple eyes. There was a kind of sharpness in her gaze, directed in my direction. I wonder if she's mad at me for something? By the way, why did she end up at the gathering place of our class in the first place?

- ...Hm? Hey...

- Mm...

- ...

I lightly patted my girlfriend's hand, which caused her to turn in my direction and noticed that my gaze was directed at some other girl. Now we were staring at a girl from another class together, while this same girl was staring back at us.

By the way, did I mention that this girl's breasts are somewhat larger than Yuki's? Just an interesting fact.

- Kamuro...

- Himeno.

My girlfriend hissed, apparently, the name of this girl. This Kamuro folded her arms under her breasts, which are somewhat larger than Yuki's, and shifted her sharp gaze to my girlfriend. Interesting. So they know each other?

- Have you already decided to undress in front of everyone?

- You...!

Yuki immediately became annoyed by Kamuro's appearance. It seemed that the situation was slowly heating up, and everything could come to something bad. To be honest, I would like to avoid any unpleasant outcome now.

- Since junior school, you seem to have changed a little. You didn't even talk to boys before, and now let them take off your underwear.

- Just so you know, he's my boyfriend! And what about you? Are you still pursuing art and masturbating to paintings?

- W-what??!!

It seems that some strange argument was growing between these two girls. But still, it was quite possible to conclude from their conversation that they had once studied at the same school. Interesting. Does this mean that they are real enemies for each other? It seems that I underestimated the seriousness of this situation. Maybe I should stop them?

- Hey, girls...

- Shut up!(2x)

- ...

- Why the hell did you yell at my boyfriend?!

- And why did you yell at him too?! You're acting like a bitch!

- Who would talk, bitch!

- Fuck you!

The two of them just yelled at me, and then continued to yell at each other. The whole situation seemed absurd to me, but I still couldn't do anything about it. What's going on anyway??

Now I was really interested in one more question. Is Kamuro really masturbating to paintings? Can this be called masturbation of an artful nature?

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