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It was an ordinary Tuesday morning. Today is an unremarkable day. I woke up as usual, did light morning exercises, standard bathroom procedures and took a shower. I didn't have much food, just fast-brewed ramen, but now I didn't have much desire to eat something like that.

Unfortunately, I don't know how to cook in general, so making food myself would be akin to physically forcing food. In general, I will either have to buy something to eat on the way to school, or wait for the lunch break, as I usually do.

In any case, my things were already packed, I just had to get dressed in a school uniform and I could go out. In principle, there are still about twenty minutes before the start of lessons, but this does not mean that I can't get out a little earlier than usual.

Having come to this conclusion thanks to such thoughts, I decided to start changing clothes, but, unfortunately, my plans were disrupted by the doorbell.

- Eh...

I hope it's not the school staff. Well, I didn't seem to break any rules, so everything should be fine. Is it possible one of my classmates came to visit me? Well, I hope not, because they have no reason to. Is it possible this is Hoshinomiya-sensei outside?? God, I hope not.

In any case, I had to open the door and appear before the guest in my home clothes. Fortunately for me, it wasn't someone from the school staff and it wasn't Hoshinomiya-sensei. It turned out to be a girl who was my classmate, whom I valued the most in this school.

- Yuki? Good morning.

- Hi, Kiyotaka.

I let her inside my dorm room, then closed the door behind her. Well, actually, this is the first time a girl comes to me, especially since it's my girlfriend. In fact, it's all weird. Why didn't she even change into her school uniform? If she decided to leave her room and come to me, then why didn't she put on her school uniform? After all, the lessons will begin very soon and we really should finish all the things here in the hostel as soon as possible.

- So, I have two pieces of news for you: good and damn good. Which one should I start with?

It was the first time Yuki came to me with such words. At the same time, she settled down on my sofa as if on her own and waved her hand to me, as if beckoning to her. I basically didn't mind spending some time with her, so I didn't refuse.

- Okay, why not start with a good one?

- Today we are skipping classes.

Since when is this good news? I mean, of course, going to school and attending classes is pretty boring, but still, this approach allows us to keep our class points intact. If Yuki and I skip classes today, then the whole class will receive some damage, although it's unlikely that it will be a big problem if we skip only today.

- Hm... but why?

- This is the second news. That's the reason I came here.

She pulled something out of her jacket pocket and handed it to me. It was a small box wrapped in a gift box consisting of golden paper and dark red ribbon. It feels like Yuki decided to conform to the traditions of the New Year and Christmas, so she came to give me a gift. However, it's only the middle of autumn, so it's all very strange.

Is there already a new holiday in modern Japanese society that I didn't know about before? Well, I have nothing against gifts, but for Yuki today I have not prepared anything in advance. Well, I hope she doesn't get too mad at me about it.

- Thank you? But I still don't understand why we're skipping school today?

- Because today is your birthday. Happy birthday, Kiyotaka.

After these words, a slight smile appeared on Yuki's face, which fascinated me. This girl rarely smiled, so it was really very nice to see her from this side.

But still, she was right. Today is really my birthday, the twentieth of October. That's why I accepted the gift without any further questions. But how did she know?

- Well, that's right. Today is my birthday. But how did you know that?

- I asked sensei.

Well, I think Hoshinomiya-sensei might really know about this, since she even had information about my entrance exam results. I think you need to be careful with her. Moreover, it is not necessary to involve Yuki in this case, since who knows what this alcohol-crazed woman with the surname Hoshinomiya can do.

Anyway, I still don't understand why we're skipping school. I mean, this is, of course, my birthday, but such a day has nothing special about the word at all. That's why I have to ask Yuki about it one more time.

- Yuki...

- Don't even think about asking that again.

She looked at me as if her gaze could kill me if I started talking some nonsense. That's why I had to shut up and just think about the fact that Yuki is pretty well aware of how I come to some of my thoughts. It's pretty amazing that she understands the algorithms of my brain to one degree or another.

- By the way...

- Hm?

While I was thinking about all the events that had just happened, Yuki gently grabbed my hands and lowered my hands with a gift for my birthday a little down, after which she moved closer to me. As a result, this girl clung to my chest and in a moment her face was already a few centimeters from mine. I was literally lost in her light purple eyes, and it helped her to almost completely immobilize me.

- I love you.

I would have liked to return the favor, but she wouldn't let me do it. After her words, my lips were covered with something warm and slightly moist. Yuki pressed her body against me with a slight pressure and grabbed the edge of my T-shirt with her hand while we kissed. To be honest, it is simply impossible to resist this warm feeling that envelops me now. It can be said that Yuki has really become more professional in kissing. That's why her nice soft and warm lips exerted some light pressure on my own lips.

I only managed to slightly open my lips before my girlfriend's wet and very agile tongue quickly penetrated my own mouth. It was a kind of new sensation that I had never experienced before. It seemed somewhat wrong and even more unusual, but at the same time I couldn't stop and kissed Yuki further. Although, of course, it's more like she's kissing me now.

I felt a slight weakness in my legs and arms when my girlfriend's hand lifted the bottom of my T-shirt and penetrated under it. I felt Yuki's warm palm on my body when she also pushed me back a little, which caused my back to rest against the back of the sofa.

- ... I'm... a gift...

- ...Huh..??

She pulled away from my lips, her tongue was sticking out of her mouth a little, she was breathing fast. Her beautiful light purple eyes were suddenly filled with some strange energy, which made even me feel a little different. To be honest, I would like to feel her tongue in my mouth again.

But I also wanted to understand what she had said to me, because now, like me, it was a little difficult for her to speak. She definitely said something about a gift. I wonder what it could be?

- I am your gift...

- Then it's a wonderful gift.

Apparently, Yuki herself turned out to be my gift. In fact, if you think about it, she really is the most beautiful and the only gift in all my fifteen years. Thank you for being here with me, Yuki.

 Thank you for being here with me, Yuki

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Well, that's your lemons

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