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"It's really terrible."

"Damn. Class A is really lucky isn't it?"


It was the first of May. We only recently found out what this school was hiding from us from the very beginning. Exams with an exception in the form of punishment, class scores and personal scores, all this is really dangerous. Many of my classmates were shocked by today's discoveries, especially Ichinose, who at the moment represented our class as a unanimously chosen central figure.

– Ayanokoji-kun, Hoshinomiya-sensei wants to see you.

Speaking of the devil. Ichinose came up to me and told me this strange news by its nature. It didn't seem like I could have done anything weird or illegal. That is, there was no reason to call me to the staff room. Simply put, it's rather unwise of sensei to snap at me.

– I see. Thanks for the information.

I thanked Ichinose and got up from my seat, heading out of the classroom. Himeno, my classmate, also got up from her seat and followed me straight, keeping a few meters away from me.

It was a little strange, but I didn't allow myself to call out to her or turn around while we were still in class. In any case, rumors about our unusual relationship spread throughout the class, and all our classmates began to think that we were dating. It wasn't true, though.

– Himeno? Something happened?

I pretended that I had just noticed her and turned around. She didn't even stop, but came up to me and headed down the corridor, where I was going earlier. I had to hurry after her, after which I matched my pace with her.

– I'm just going in that direction. There's nothing special about that, is there?

In fact, she was right. In fact, there was nothing strange or unusual about this, but I had already begun to understand something in a month of communication with this girl. Simply put, in her language, such words meant that she was coming with me, and I had no right to refuse. In any case, I wasn't going to drive her away, since it's best not to go to the execution alone.

Although I still didn't understand why I was called to the teacher's room. Did someone really accuse me of something? That would be quite problematic.

–Ah, Ayanokoji-kun and Himeno-chan?

Hoshinomiya-sensei was probably already waiting for me near the staff room. However, she was surprised that Himeno was here with me. Himeno herself, whom I think I could call my friend, stood next to me without moving further. Well, I was right. She really walked with me to this place. Interesting. This means that I have learned to understand this girl better lately.

– I didn't expect the two of you to come here. This is a bit unusual considering that I only called you, Ayanokoji-kun.

– Do you have any problems with me?

Himeno expressed her slight complaints to our teacher, even without looking at her. Now she was completely absorbed in some game on her phone. Well, I can't blame her for that, since it wasn't her who sensei called here.

– Himeno–chan, you shouldn't talk to your dear sensei like that.

– I mean, you usually get drunk all the time and come to class drunk. This is normal for you, but not for other teachers. Moreover, you are constantly trying to seduce stupid boys. Why should I respect you?

– How cruel..?!

Hoshinomiya-sensei was stunned by this truthful statement. It is worth saying that Himeno expressed the pure truth. By the way, Himeno has probably said more words at a time now than during this whole month. Amazing.

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