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It was the last day of summer vacation before the start of the second trimester. My school life went on as usual, nothing extraordinary happened in it. I ate ice cream, spent time with Yuki and just enjoyed the tranquility around me. Although I was not an ordinary person myself, that's why even such a quiet life was already somewhat unusual for me, but still I enjoyed it.

– I already regret that we went here.

– Hm.

Yuki and I were in the pool, which was now open to all students. It is for this reason that even in the evening a flood of school students came here, who were eager to swim in the pool and relax.

Although Yuki and I didn't feel quite comfortable. The fact was that such a large number of people around us was putting us out of balance. By the way, Yuki wore the same swimsuit that we bought not so long ago. Apparently, she wanted to use it just for the pool.

To be honest, Yuki looked pretty attractive right now. A light pink bikini covered her breasts, while panties of the same shade flaunted her waist. Her skin was exposed to the whole world in many places, she also let down her hair, which made it seem longer and more concise. I wouldn't mind watching such an open Yuki forever.

– Ah! It's Ayanokoji-kun and Himeno-san!

Suddenly, a familiar voice rang out from the side. Yuki and I turned towards the sound and noticed a group of our classmates consisting of boys and girls. Ichinose was just waving her hand at us and seemed to want to come over to us. Unlike her friends, she wore a school swimsuit. I wouldn't mind talking to her for a bit, but Yuki apparently had a completely different point of view on this. She boldly and boldly took my hand and led me in the opposite direction from Ichinose and her company.

"Ah? Are they leaving??"

"But I just wanted to say hello there to them..."

"I think Himeno-san just doesn't want anyone to steal Ayanokoji-kun from her."

"Steal Ayanokoji-kun? What do you mean?"

"Ichinose-chan, you should see yourself from the outside. Your breasts and hips are very big and attractive. Any guy would want that."

"Kya! Don't say things like that, Mako-chan!!"

They were shouting something to each other, but I couldn't really hear them. Anyway, Yuki took me to a quieter part of the pool. It seemed like she didn't want to communicate with Ichinose and our other classmates. Well, I wouldn't mind spending time in a quiet environment with my friend, either.

And for some reason, Yuki's face turned pink as we walked, holding hands. I wasn't sure what caused such a reaction of her body, but it was clear to me that I was the primary source of this problem. After all, such metamorphoses always happen to her when I'm around.

– Yuki.

– Hm?

She stopped and looked at me. Her rosy cheeks said that, most likely, this girl is confused by what is happening right now. I wonder if it has something to do with her holding my hand?

– Your palm is very warm, you know?

– Oh??

It was an irrefutable truth that I could confirm right now. Yuki's palm was very warm and gentle, which caused a pleasant feeling to arise inside me. Yuki herself, in response to my comment about her body temperature, suddenly sighed with such force, as if she was shocked. It feels like I somehow scared her.

– Mmm...

– Mm??

Suddenly, Yuki tried to let go of my hand, but I wouldn't let her. I squeezed her hand as gently as possible and didn't allow her to sever our connection. For some reason, I didn't want to let go of her warm and soft palm.

– MMaa...

– Is something wrong?

– M-my Hand...

– Am I squeezing it too hard? Sorry.

– No. That's not the point...

Yuki fell silent, not saying another word to me. Unfortunately, she never tried to explain the reason for her behavior. In any case, it seems that I had already come to the right train of thought myself, so I didn't even need an explanation.

– Do you want to swim?

– Um... yes..?

Her answer sounded a little uncertain as she looked into my eyes. Yuki was still restless because of my actions, because I was still holding her hand. Fortunately, she didn't bite, kick or scratch. Yuki was just embarrassed that we were holding hands. Apparently, this can confuse even her.

– Then let's go.

– Yeah...

We headed to the part of the pool where there were the least people right now. This time I was the wingman while Yuki obediently followed me. We were passing just by the pool when I stopped and looked at Yuki, still not letting go of her soft palm.

After we stopped, I also felt that Yuki squeezed her fingers a little harder and strained her palm. It wasn't an attempt to escape, on the contrary, it was a sign on her part that she wasn't going to let go of my hand now. Well, I wasn't against it. Although, perhaps, we looked a little strange to other people, because hardly anyone had seen us holding hands before.

– Then how about three?

– What..??

– Well, we'll jump as soon as I say three. That's why we held hands, right? To jump together.

– Huh??

For some reason, after my words, all that pink shade disappeared from Yuki's face. Literally in a second, her face acquired the most normal color that a young beautiful girl should have.

– Baka!

– Hm?? Hey..!

At one point, she immediately let go of my palm, breaking our strong bond, after which this girl forcibly pushed me into the pool, which caused me to fall into the water. My body dived under the water, but I was immediately able to coordinate myself, after which I managed to come out of the water within a few seconds. Yuki was standing on the edge of the pool and burning me with a very sharp look right now.

To be honest, from this angle, her panties are really visible just fine. Moreover, these affectionate hips and legs at all also attract my attention.

– It wasn't fair.

– It's your own fault.

I reached out to her to help me out, but Yuki turned away from me, clearly disappointed in me. I could only keep looking at her pleadingly until she finally gave up and gave me a helping hand.

– Yuki, actually, I held your hand for a different reason.

– Ha?

I managed to feel her soft and warm palm again. Her palm became wet because of my wet palm. This means that Yuki herself is wet now, right?

– That's because I know how you feel about me.

– Huh??!!

Before she could react in any way, I pulled her in my direction. This girl was so shocked by my words that she couldn't resist and eventually fell into my arms before plunging us under the water together. At the last moment of the fall I also managed to notice that she blushed again.

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