Himeno Yuki's Monologue

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- Phuf...

I sighed, thinking that there is nothing interesting in our current school life.

Classes collapsed, people left and quarreled, and the leaders of each class played by their own rules each.

All this caused me nothing but disgust both for the school itself and for all its students who dutifully follow the system.

Although could she blame them? Could I, as a first-year high school student, blame them for what I was doing myself?

My fingers went over my own chest, which didn't stand out so much for its size. Yes, I was not the kind of girl who could win the attention of others with a pair of jumping and swinging watermelons in the chest area.

But is this important now? I am already sixteen full years old, and don't regret anything in my life.

I admit, some decisions were wrong, and some on the contrary, but it's not so important. All that remains important is the fact that I understand my life and myself better than anyone else.

That's why I understand the motives of other people in my stupid class, who so calmly seem to be going to the scaffold in this school. They are going to be executed in a figurative sense, and they know it, but they still follow their leader.

Yes, of course, there is resistance to this, but it can hardly be called successful and inspiring. It's just a stupid attempt to prevent the irreversible.

- Yuki.

Distracted from my thoughts, I glanced in the direction of my boyfriend, who was sitting on the bed waiting for me. His gaze seemed somewhat restless to me, although there were no significant signs of a change in the direction of surprise or shock on his face.

I met him on very first day, but even then he seemed so amazing and unusual to me. Of course, anyone could take him for a boring, withdrawn and even strange guy, but not me. His character, personality, inner world turned out to be much more than any person could imagine. I've seen it for myself.

Especially since it's his face... I don't know, but my heart starts to speed up its rhythm when I look into his eyes. It feels like my chest is only throbbing harder because of all this.

That's why I touched my own chest with my hand again. I wasn't wearing a bra or any other clothes covering my body, so the excitement expressed in the nipples of my boobs was very noticeable.

- Kiyotaka.

His name is like sweet honey to me. I must say that this is indeed the case. I'm really grateful that he has such a wonderful name.

But I also had to thank nature or perhaps even some almighty powers for something else. This thing was throbbing so much right now because of the blood flows that kept up with it and attracted my attention more and more.

It was difficult for me to hold myself, that's why I lowered my arms lower and in one easy movement threw off white school skirt from my waist. This allowed me to feel a little freer, but still the partially wet fabric of my panties still hindered me.

- Kiyotaka, can you help me?"

- I can.

He agreed to it without hesitation, because he really wanted to help me, cause what happens next will mean a lot to us in the future. Tonight we will become one with each other in a sense. We will open up to each other and be together all night.

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