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- Wow, man. Where does so much muscle come from?

- It's really not bad.

- You've never told us that you like to play sports.

I never said I liked it at all. Maybe I didn't play sports of my own free will. In any case, these guys from my class were really getting on my nerves right now with their strange statements.

It's been more than a month of my quiet life. We started our first swimming lesson in high school, and for some reason that guys in my class noticed me while I was changing. This is really strange, considering that Shibata and a few other guys were here, whose physical abilities clearly exceeded mine.

- In any case, the lesson will begin soon.

With these words, I left the locker room and went to the pool. It was a spacious room with a glass roof letting in sunlight. In the center of this huge hall there was a large swimming pool with crystal clear water. I decided to try out the water itself a little and put my hand in the pool. The temperature turned out to be ideal.

It looks like this school is really good at keeping track of everything. This suits me and even pleases me in a certain sense.

- Yo.

- And Yo.

A girl with partially dyed light blue hair and light purple eyes came up to me from behind. I turned in her direction and for a second my gaze was mesmerized by her enchanting beauty.

Of course, she wore the usual dark blue school swimsuit, but even in this form, her figure showed its beautiful sides. The breasts of this girl slightly bulged out from under the swimming suit, which also attracted my attention on a par with these thighs open to the world. To be honest, this is the first time I've seen so much exposed skin on my friend. It's normal for friends, right?

- Is something wrong? Do I look bad?

- No. You look good.

I dispelled her opinion about this with my response comment. After all, I've been looking at her in such an interesting and new image for too long. I should do something like this less, so as not to arouse unnecessary false suspicions from the outside.

- To be honest, you are too.

- Me?

- Yeah.

She said the same thing about me. I could see how her attentive gaze enveloped my muscles of arms, legs, neck, chest and abdomen. Well, maybe girls also like to look at guys, just like guys like to look at other girls. It seems to be very natural.

To be honest, I was a little excited. The other guys in my class really wanted to visit here and, of course, not at all because it's a pool in which you can swim. Simply put, they were lured to this place by girls who are our classmates. That is, it's just a perverted teenage attraction to the opposite sex. Nothing unusual.

"Wow. Ayanokoji-kun really looks very attractive."

"He's like a hidden diamond in our class."

"Maybe I should start dating with him??"

"But isn't this place already occupied?"

The other girls started talking about something strange, which made me distracted by them. At that moment, I didn't even notice how water splashed in my face. It was pool water, and Himeno used it.

- Huh?

- Just checking the water.

- Is that so?

At that moment, under her attentive gaze, I scooped some water into my palm and splashed it in her direction in response. She did not even resist and allowed the liquid flying into her to sprinkle and moisten her body, dressed in a school swimsuit.

Some locks of Himeno's long hair were also soaked. By the way, it's worth saying that now, for swimming in the pool, she let down her two ponytails of her hairstyle, which is why her hair at the moment was long, straight and a little wet.

Should I say that this girl looks sexy as hell?

But while I was thinking about it, she once again splashed a clot of water from the pool in my direction. The liquid hit me right in the chest this time, without causing any tangible harm. I just got wet. Hmm, if you think about it, Himeno has also become wet now, hasn't she?

- Heh...

- Mm?

She grinned a little, looking at me. A slight grin flashed across her face, which quickly disappeared from my eyes as it had appeared earlier.

- You look funny when drops of water run down your body.

I once read on the Internet that girls seem to like to look at pumped-up guys who are dripping with sweat after an intense workout. Hm, maybe this information is really true. It seems that there are a lot more truthful facts stored on the Internet than I previously thought.

- I see.


I again scooped up some water with my hand and lightly doused Himeno from head to toe, which caused transparent drops of water to flow down her face, arms, legs and body, to which, unfortunately, the school swimsuit fit snugly. She looked at me with a slightly apathetic look.

- You look pretty sexy when drops of water run down your body.

- Huh??!!

At one point, the feeling of apathy disappeared from her beautiful light-purple eyes, after which she shifted slightly on the spot, but did not go anywhere. It seemed that her breath was taken away, and also for some reason, a light, barely noticeable pink color began to form on her cheeks. Is she sick? Is she ill?

- Himeno?

- Shut up.

She turned her head towards the pool and scooped some water into her hand again. However, this time she splashed it in her face, apparently to calm down a little and come to her senses. In principle, after a few seconds she really took a deep breath and exhaled, after which she finally returned to her usual state.

I have read in books about the possibility of girls changing the color of their cheeks and ears under certain circumstances. It wasn't entirely clear to me what caused it, but I suspected that Himeno was just a chameleon or something. Something like that would explain everything. I wonder if she's going to kill the Prime Minister and take over Japan? Maybe I should help her.

- Don't say such annoying things anymore.

- Okay, I'm sorry about that.

I apologized for my too bold words and allowed Himeno to forgive me. Even if she didn't say anything else, her more or less gentle look indicated that she accepted my sincere apologies. Well, that really pleases me.

- Do you think I would look better in a more open swimsuit?

- What??

She asked me such a strange question by nature and fell silent. It seemed that she didn't want to repeat these words at all, so I focused on what she had said to me earlier. All my neurons in my brain tensed up just for this, which is why I imagined Himeno in a more open swimsuit, where only her chest and waist are covered from everyone's eyes. Hm, I would like to see her open tummy and sides, it would be an interesting sight.

- Well, I think so.

- I see.

As a result, we didn't talk about this topic anymore, but for some reason it seemed to me that Himeno was more or less satisfied with my answer, which was simple in nature. I wonder what she's thinking right now.

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