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- Fuh...

I enjoyed my life on a cruise ship. My gaze was right now directed towards the sea, which was all around this ship. The local seawater was a huge liquid space stretching from this place for many kilometers in all directions. To be honest, I think I see a fish swimming not so far away. Unfortunately, the noise generated by the cruise ship scares her away.

The wind was also blowing in my face, blowing and ruffling my hair. It was a pleasant feeling that I had rarely been able to feel before. Fortunately, on such an open and spacious deck, I could fully enjoy such a feeling, personifying freedom.

Even if this school restricts my freedom in some sense, but still I feel much freer in this place. At least, you can say that I live, and not just exist. For example, now I can not only attend classes, but also do something useful for myself, I can spend time with Himeno or enjoy solitude. In general, I have at least some freedom of action and choice. Previously, I had only to follow orders and obey painfully precise rules, but now I found myself in a simpler and better environment - in a normal human society.

I wonder what would happen if someone found out about my secret, about the past that I always carry with me and in myself? I don't think anything good would have happened. For example, Himeno could be disappointed in me and turn away from me. After all, even if she's an unusual girl, she's still a normal person, unlike me.

I knew a lot more about me than anyone else. I knew how many defects I had, I knew why I was so incomplete, so foolish and horrible. I really was a terrible human being.

- Hey.

Suddenly, someone came up behind me while I was in my rather deep thoughts. I managed to notice that a beautiful girl with partially dyed hair in a poisonous blue color and light purple eyes was near me. She leaned her hands on the railing next to me and also began to look with her beautiful eyes towards the fascinating sea, just like me.

- Hey.

It was my classmate, or even worth saying that she was my first and only friend at this school. Himeno Yuki from Class B. She looked the same as always, the only difference was that now she was wearing a summer variation of the school uniform, which is for girls the presence of a bow tie, a light vest, a white shirt and a red short skirt. That is, her image didn't change much, but she looked a little new for now.

Unlike her, my summer outfit didn't stand out much. The same pants, the same shirt, I just could not wear a jacket and tie, so as not to constrain myself and not cause my own body to overheat. In any case, it's not that important right now.

- Do you want to eat ice cream? There's some guy handing it out by the pool.

Ah, I think I've heard about it. Sometimes local staff let their people out to groups of students to offer something that is currently in high demand. In fact, it was somewhat strange, considering that we, as students, did not pay anything. Although I still don't know what the school's policy is, so it's none of my business.

- Sure.

I tore my gaze away from the glistening and slightly transparent ocean water to follow Himeno, whose hair was fluttering from the increased wind. If she had let down her long partially dyed hair now, then this picture could be the most memorable in my life. Unfortunately, my friend's hair was braided in two ponytails on both sides of her head, so I couldn't do anything in this situation.

Anyway, it's pretty good that they're handing out ice cream for the students right now. It really makes me feel in anticipation of something interesting. Perhaps I could choose for myself some unusual new taste of ice cream. I wonder if Jimeno will choose fruit ice again?

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