Bad End

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– Uum..?

I opened my eyes and noticed that everything had changed so much. It's a gray ceiling, and under my head is either a blanket or a pillow. And my head hurts a little for some reason.

– Fuh...

I exhaled a little air from my lungs and tried to get up on the not very soft bed, but the strength quickly left my hands, which is why I fell back on the bed, taking a lying position again.

I may have just woken up, but I still wanted to sleep. Moreover, I had such a good dream. Oh, it really was a long time ago, wasn't it? In the end, it would probably be more correct to call it not even a dream, but rather a memory of the past.

However, than more details I now tried to scroll through in my head again, that more arteries in my forehead and temples throbbed. Well, it looks like I shouldn't be thinking about something pleasant right now, even if it was just a dream.


– Hm?

I heard something familiar, it was a call that came to my phone. Slowly, but surely, the ringtone was playing and gradually, it was gaining volume, which was starting to infuriate me. Of course, my phone was lying very close, literally ten centimeters from my head, but I didn't really want to answer a sudden morning call.

But I still had to answer the call when my headache started to get worse because of the incessant loud melody. That's why I reached for the phone and glanced at the time. It's almost noon. Well, it looks like I was mistaken in thinking it was only morning. Roughly speaking, half a day has already passed.

By the way, judging by the name written on the phone screen, Masumi is calling me. I wonder what she needs from me at this time? I just want to sleep again.

– Hi?

– Hey, why didn't you answer me earlier?!

– Hm? Why are you shouting like that?

What struck me was that she immediately screamed as soon as I answered her call. Damn, maybe it's not Masumi at all? Although no, this voice and nasty screams from the first seconds. Definitely her. But what the hell?!

– I'm not shouting! You just didn't answer the phone!

– You're screaming right now, woman!

– Yes, and what?!

– Nothing!

Immediately after that, we fell silent for a few seconds. It seemed that I could even hear my heart pounding at those moments, since my interlocutor on the other end of the phone line was not saying anything at the moment.

But still, I was glad that I had the last word.

– Khem... Are you coming to pick him up?

– Who should I pick up??

Suddenly my friend started talking about something strange. Do I really have to take someone away from her? But why ? And why someone?? Did I get a dog or a cat in a drunken state, and then gave these poor animals to the guardianship of Masumi?

– Hidoishi. Did you really think to leave him with me forever? He's cute and all, but it's not mine, you know.

– Oh, yes...

I completely forgot that I left him there yesterday when I wanted to drink alone. Masumi said she would look after him until morning. Damn, I completely forgot!

These thoughts made me abruptly assume a sitting position on the bed, even ignoring the headache, after which I immediately tried to jump off the bed, but suddenly my foot touched not the floor, but something slippery and cold. Because of this, I barely managed to react and in the end I fell not on the floor, but back on the bed.

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