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Our summer vacation is over after all. It was our first day of school in the second trimester of our first academic year. Unfortunately, I had to spend some time alone, as Yuki didn't want to talk to me since yesterday. Like she said, it's all my fault, isn't it?

Well, it just means that I have to act a little more radically than before. In any case, Yuki is still loyal to me, I just need to do something to make the situation work out in my favor.

I glanced at Yuki, who was sitting on my right. She pretended to listen to sensei, just like me. Hoshinomiya-sensei, of course, seemed to be saying something important about the new special exam, but Yuki and I didn't listen to her at all. I noticed that Yuki herself yawns from time to time and stealthily looks in my direction.

Instead of pointlessly exchanging glances during the lesson, I decided to send messages via my phone. Of course, my actions were visible to the surveillance cameras in the corners of the classroom, but I didn't worry about it. Moreover, my classmates did not notice my actions, as they tried to listen carefully to the teacher.

[Yuki, let's meet outside during lunch break.]

It wasn't even a question. Rather, I strongly asked this beautiful girl to come with me during lunch break. After all, I wanted to spend time with Yuki.

In fact, I've been thinking about her more and more lately. It is worth saying that this girl probably occupies one of the leading places in my peaceful life. Maybe she's even more than a friend to me. My heart beats pretty fast, my breathing quickens, and everything inside me shrinks when I think about her. Is that what they call... best friends??

In any case, lunch break came almost imperceptibly for me. I could pass the time before it came either by thinking about Yuki, or about how I manage to eat ice cream all my life.

Yuki slowly got up from her seat, threw a meaningful glance in my direction and walked to the exit of the classroom without waiting for me. In the end, I followed her, keeping some distance from her. It wasn't that I didn't want to talk to her, it was just that there wasn't the right environment for it right now.

She turned around several times in my direction, looking at whether I was following her or not. In any case, of course, I was not going to deviate from my plan, because Yuki and I actually got quite close over all these months. We can say that this is progress in my peaceful life.

In any case, we left the school building and went to a place in the backyard, where no one was usually there at that time. Even now there wasn't a single soul here except the two of us. Yuki leaned against the wall and looked at me when I stopped right next to her.

- Yuki.

- Mm?

When I called her by name, her eyes seemed to sparkle a little, after which she patiently waited for the moment when I would continue my thought.

We have really become somewhat important to each other since the very beginning of the school year. Spring was a kind of dating phase for us, which gave us time to get used to communication as such. Yuki got used to me, and I to her, we got to know not only each other, but also ourselves in this way.

- Yuki, do you remember what I told you yesterday?

- ...

Her eyes barely noticeably began to run from side to side when I mentioned yesterday's events. She seemed to want to take her gaze away from me, but she couldn't quite make up her mind to do it. Perhaps she was too interested in what I would say next.

To be honest, she and I were not talkative people from the very beginning, but now our communication is really on a different level. It seems like since then, in these few months, Yuki and I have become much closer to each other than before.

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