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- Are you sure this is a good idea?

- I don't know. We can leave if you want.

- No, let's continue this.

Right now, Himeno and I were watching something interesting. Three girls from some class together pressed another girl from another class against the wall. Of course, we don't know the reason for their conflict, but, apparently, it's because that lonely girl is blonde. I think so because there is not a single blonde among the other three.

In any case, Himeno and I were doing an important thing right now. I was photographing what was happening on my phone, while she was making a video recording on her phone. Simply put, we were collecting evidence of beatings taking place.

Of course, you can ask us, for what purpose are we doing something like this? After all, we are not spies and our exam task doesn't include something like surveillance or collecting evidence about certain crimes. But still, this school is really good at monitoring bullying. I have heard that some high school students from second year were expelled for this reason. That's why I persuaded Himeno to help me in this difficult matter.

It's worth saying that she quickly agreed. I don't know why, but she almost immediately supported my idea, bordering on something illegal. I think if Himeno was a cop, she would tell me something like, "You're obviously doing something illegal, but I don't understand what it is, so I'll help you.". I think it would be exactly like that.

"Come on, Cow... I mean Karuizawa! Admit it already!"

These girls are really screaming so hard that we can hear them even from here. Still, Himeno and I decided to stay at the minimum safe distance so that we would not be noticed, but it seems that the situation is taking an increasingly interesting turn.

Only a completely different question remains relevant. Should we intervene in this situation? In the end, it would be morally right to stop them from bullying right now, but getting in just like that now would be somewhat rash. That's why I glanced at Himeno, who was closely watching what was happening.

When Himeno saw my gaze directed at her, I noticed that she paused the video recording for a while so that we could talk. With an answering glance in my direction, she seemed to be asking me about the reason for my behavior.

- Do you think we should interfere?

- No.

Without any regrets or hesitation, Himeno shook her head from side to side. It seems that her plans did not include saving that blonde girl. Well, if that's the case, then I don't have to do anything either. However, I would still like to know the reason for such an answer from my friend.

- You know, girls arguments at school are really serious things. I don't care who is good or bad, the main thing is that we should not interfere with them.

I see. It seems that this is something like a girl's school ideology, which is established exclusively between female representatives. To be honest, it seems that there is something similar between guys too, but it's not related to cases like this.

In general, Himeno and I continued our observation. While she was recording another video for the sake of compromising on three girls, I wondered why the school forces girls to wear such short skirts. If I take a picture of these girls from a slightly lower angle than the current one, I can capture their underwear on the digital memory of my phone. Of course, I had such thoughts only because of my interest in girls. I mean, it's always interesting to find out what kind of underwear girls wear nowadays.

Maybe I should ask Himeno about it? I mean, she could probably help me with that, since she's a girl my age. Although, to be honest, she is still a few months older than me. Fortunately or unfortunately, her birthday has already passed me by. Should I congratulate her with that or should I not mention it? What a difficult choice.

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