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It was going to be Christmas soon. I have heard that this holiday is of great importance for people of all ages. For example, for the elderly, this is a chance to fully devote themselves to the family, and for young people, opportunities for rapprochement with their significant other open up.

Well, maybe it could have been the same for me, but the situation has changed somewhat. Unfortunately, that person arrived at this school and found me. He managed to meet me and claim his rights to my existence. Well, I can only say that I'm not interested in his stupid opinion of me.

That's why I'm with Yuki now. I wanted to get away from this whole unpleasant situation and be with my girlfriend, who understands me. Naturally, I didn't tell her about what happened, but she didn't press me with questions either. It's worth saying that Yuki is quite attentive to me now, so she just walks quietly next to me.

This can be considered something soothing. It feels like I'm alone and not alone at the same time, a strange feeling. Something similar happened when we first met, but, of course, now our relationship has moved to another stage.

- Yuki, you know...

- Mmm?

- ...thank you.

I decided to thank her when she turned her attention to me. Yuki looked at me, asking with her eyes why I thanked her, but I didn't answer. I just had a feeling of gratitude, which I could not overcome and reason with. Still, I'm really grateful to Yuki for a lot.

- Hm?

- Mmm...

Suddenly, Yuki took a light step towards me and slowly took my hand. Our palms touched, and I felt the warmth radiating from my girlfriend's body. Her palm and fingers were warm and soft, which could really melt any ice around us even this winter.

I wonder if Yuki had fallen into a snowdrift, would she have melted it and turned all the snow into a puddle? I think I should check it out sometime. In any case, it is impossible to check something like this now, since at the moment the two of us are on the territory of the only shopping center in this school.

Other students were passing by next to us, we ourselves passed many shops with different goods, but Yuk suddenly slowed down and stared at the window of one of the local shops where beautiful girls were selling.

Interesting. This is quite an entertaining move when you hire outwardly beautiful people to work at your company. That's probably why there are so many guys and girls in this place. But still, my girlfriend's gaze was not focused on the store staff, but on the goods being sold.

If my own vision does not change me, then the angle of her gaze points directly at the earrings. These are small shiny earrings of black and silver color in the shape of a crescent.

Hmm, I've always been interested in whether it's convenient to wear earrings or the like. As Yuki told me, it's a little uncomfortable, but over time you even forget that you're wearing something like that. Of course, I had a question about whether it makes sense to wear something like that at all. Unfortunately, Yuki has not been able to give me any intelligible answer to this question.

- Do you want to buy these earrings?

- Well, they look cool. It would be nice to really buy them, but just...

She pointed out to me the price of this brilliant good. I would say that the number of private points of 3 and a half million made it difficult to buy. It seems to me that this is the most expensive thing I have seen in this school, unless, of course, we do not take into account a class A ticket worth 20 million.

Wait, is there really an earring worth 3 and a half million yen? Who came up with this at all?

Should I try to save up for these earrings? After all, my girlfriend likes such things. She once told me that she even wants to get her nose and nipples pierced one day. It seemed a little strange to me, but I still have nothing against it. After all, it's up to my girlfriend to decide what to do with her own body.

Interesting. I would like to see her bare breasts with nipple piercings. For some reason, such thoughts even put me in an excited state a little. And my pants get a little tight with these thoughts.

- I see. I think it is quite realistic to accumulate such an amount for some time. Well, I could do that.

At that moment, Yuki squeezed my palm a little harder. I looked at her and noticed that her gaze was giving off a faint chill in my direction, as if I had said something stupid.

- You're my boyfriend, not my wallet.

In most cases, I have seen the opposite both on the internet and at this school. But Yuki, as always, turned out to be an unusual girl. It's really amazing how different she is from everyone else. A normal person would have just said thank you or even deliberately tried to pull money from another person, but now this has not happened.

- But that doesn't mean you'd mind if I bought them, does it?"

- ...

She stared at me in silence. Mixed feelings played in her gaze, among which one could find surprise, misunderstanding, joy, sadness and even anger. The amazing mix of different emotions in her eyes began to fascinate me.

- Stop talking nonsense...

To be honest, it looks like she was against it after all. Well, girls are very strange creatures by nature, so I can't say anything about my own girlfriend. Sometimes I understand the course of her actions and thoughts, and sometimes not. I think this is quite normal.

- Excuse me, are you interested in these earrings? Now they have a big discount on the occasion of Christmas. Especially for couples, we also provide special offers...

At the same moment, an employee of this store came up to us and immediately began talking about such interesting things. Perhaps, after all, I will be able to buy these earrings.

- No, thank you!

But Yuki, with her beautiful face expressing annoyance, declined any further offers from this shop worker. After that, my girlfriend tried to take me away from here by force, I had to give in to her so as not to anger her even more.

Yuki's act may not have been beautiful, but I was the root cause of it. Well, right now it's best to let my girlfriend calm down before saying or doing anything. That's why I just walked next to her, held her hand and felt the warmth of her body.

Over time, as we left the mall, her grip loosened a little, her delicate fingers no longer tried to squeeze my palm in their death grip. But now we were not in the warmth of the building and surrounded by many students, now we were outside surrounded by snow and cold from the winter season.

Yuki, reacting to the change of the situation around us, slightly tied a scarf around her neck with her free hand to keep warm and not let the cold get under her clothes. I was just next to her and admired the beauty of this lovely girl.

- Kiyotaka...

She looked right at me. Her beautiful light purple eyes partially reflected the stars twinkling in the sky. I don't know what was on her mind at that moment or what she wanted to tell me, but she just couldn't do it. Fortunately or unfortunately, I was entirely responsible for this.

- Mmm..!

She mumbled when her access to air and free communication was blocked. I didn't even give her a chance, I just kissed her because I wanted to do it right now. I just did it for no particular reason. That's why my lips felt the warmth of her lips, and her body was now in my arms. I wasn't holding Yuki's hand anymore, now I was holding her all over, hugging her and not letting her get away from me.

- Mmm...

Her mumbling became weaker, and the feeling of surprise and misunderstanding ceased to be reflected in her eyes. She seemed to accept reality for what it is, which is why my girlfriend calmed down and closed her eyes. After that, I felt her hands slowly and gently fall on my shoulders, and then move to the back of my head. My girlfriend just deepened our kiss, which is why I couldn't resist myself.

A feeling of intense heat, or rather a wild flame, began to play in me. Even though I closed my eyes, it didn't seem to matter at all. I could feel Yuki right now almost with my whole body, it's a pretty tempting feeling.

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