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Himeno and I were spending time together now. In fact, we have done this quite often. I'm really surprised she hasn't had enough of my company yet. It's amazing that she tolerates such an antisocial person like me. Although, if you look at the situation from a right angle, then the two of us fit the status of people of this kind.

Himeno was standing next to me right now, ice cream in her hand. Yes, I persuaded her to eat ice cream with me. Considering that she likes sweets, she had no problems with it, which I was very happy about. In her hands was a fruit frozen ice with pineapple flavor, while at home I had a regular ice cream ball in a cone.

Himeno said it was a damn simple choice on my part, but I replied that usually the simplest things are the best things. Although, speaking of herself, she is a rather unusual girl, so here such a train of thought no longer works. If I were comparing Himeno with ice cream, it would really be a fruity frozen ice of a pale blue shade from several flavors.

She really would be quite an attractive ice cream. Hell, I'd catch her and eat her. Maybe I should have done it during the swimming lesson?

- Let's sit right here.

- Sure.

Himeno shamelessly sat down on a bench in the middle of the alley and began to wait for me when I would do the same. I wasn't going to give up on this course of events, so I took a seat next to her. I could only watch as she licked and sucked her fruit ice cream.

Her pink tongue enveloped the icy delicious stick, and her lips, capturing this slowly melting ice, made a smacking sound. Himeno even closed her eyes from enjoying her treat. I think now she feels satisfied with life itself.

Well, I was also pleased with everything that was happening, since the ice cream in my hands, even though it was simple, remained quite tasty. In any case, the temperature has been getting higher every day lately, so ice cream was an acceptable and necessary solution to the problem of overheating.

In about a couple of weeks, the summer holidays will begin and we will be sent to a desert island so that we can spend our time there legally. For some reason, I don't feel quite right thinking about it. Simply put, I have some kind of bad feeling about this island.

The last time I was on the island, I spent time far away in the mountains, where I was taught various strange things. No, it wasn't a story about the monk toads from Mount Myoboku, no, it's a story about my past that I would like to forget about. I really would like to forget about how I met Lollipop-chan in my childhood.(sorry, it was a little lyrical digression)

(sorry, it was a little lyrical digression)

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(ignore this lol)

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(ignore this lol)

In any case, Himeno and I had similar thoughts about the uninhabited island that awaits us. We were suspicious of it.


- Mm??

- Mmm...

I noticed that suddenly my ice cream ball shrank by about a quarter of its original size, which happened extremely unexpectedly. How did this happen? Am I sure I didn't bite him or something? Was it a bird that stole some of my ice cream or a ghost from local Tokyo legends?

My gaze darted in the direction of Himeno. She, as if nothing had happened, calmly sat in her seat and sucked her ice cream. Well, this beautiful girl does not look suspicious, since she has her own ice cream, but still it's all very strange. Cats love ice cream too, don't they?

- Hey.

- Hm?

I noticed Himeno when she suddenly called out to me. I looked at her, and at that moment she rather seductively and slowly stuck out of her mouth a partially melted ice cream, slightly covered with saliva.

- Do you want to?

- What..??

I was in some kind of prostration only because now Himeno offered me her ice cream covered with her saliva. I don't know if her saliva tastes good or not, but it seems to me a little strange. Is it normal for friends to share ice cream like this? Sharing is caring, isn't it?

Her partially melted ice cream was right in front of my lips in easy reach. This is really unusual. Of course, Himeno is a bit of a strange girl, but I haven't noticed such behavior for her yet. In any case, did I have a choice? In fact, I would really like to try that ice cream that my friend likes.

Interesting. Do Himeno's lips taste the same now as ice cream? Just interesting, nothing more.

- Just kidding.

As soon as I made my hardest decision, Himeno returned her ice cream on a stick to her mouth, squeezing it with her tender lips and pointedly licking it with a pink tongue. For some reason, I was starting to feel a little weird looking at this picture.

- I see.

Well, I should have expected an unexpected outcome from the very beginning. But, to be honest, all these events were somewhat unexpected, so there was nothing I could do about it. I've already said that Himeno is an unusual girl, isn't she?

- Are you sad that I didn't share it with you?

It seems that she managed to notice some of my indignation about this, although I am sure that I did not allow such emotions to manifest on my face. It seems that this was a manifestation of the so-called female intuition that everyone is talking about. It's a pretty strong and dangerous feeling.

- I think so.

- Is that so?

- Yes.

Himeno looked at me a little surprised. Her beautiful light purple eyes widened a little when she got the answer to her question. Well, it looks like this girl was expecting something different. However, after a few seconds, a full-fledged calm descended on her.

- I see.

There was some silence between us from that moment on. I continued to eat my ice cream, and Himeno her. From time to time she threw almost imperceptible glances directed at me. I could not understand the meaning of these actions, but I didn't dare to ask. Moreover, I need to eat ice cream before it melts.

- Ayanokoji...

- Hm?

I turned my full attention to Himeno with some surprise when she said my name. Fortunately or unfortunately, she really rarely used my name when addressing me. I wonder what that's supposed to mean?

- No, it's nothing.

But still my dreams of something interesting and unusual were destroyed by her subsequent words. In any case, she ate her ice cream and threw the remaining wooden stick into the trash can located a few meters away from the bench. It was a perfect throw and a direct hit. Maybe this girl should join a basketball club?

In any case, I would like to have the opportunity to eat ice cream again on a desert island. Still, watching how Himeno suck it... for some reason I really like it, I don't know why.

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