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Kim woke up with a really strong headache, she wasn't in her apartment ans she wasn't in the clothes she had on last night.

"Olsen?!!!!!" she screamed.

He bolted into her room shirtless and in panic. She couldn't register why she angry anymore, she had to admit Olsen Culver was one fine man.

"Are you okay?" He asked walking to her bed worried.

"Yes, did you change my clothes?" she asked.


"Did we do anything?"

"No" he noticed a wave of relief wash over her as he said that.

Kim looked up at the green eyed beauty in front of her.

"I should get going" she said getting out of bed but immediately slumped back into bed obviously too weak. Olsen walked to her bathroom and got her a glass of water. "Thanks" she said drinking every last bit of it. "I could really use some coffee right now" she said.

"I'll have some made for you" he said as he watched this beautiful woman use her fingers to brush her hair. The ring was still on her finger. It made him smile, he watched as she unconsciously rubbed her bare neck. His eyes dropped to the rest of her body. Her olive skin was flawless in the cream colored night dress and her lips called him again.

Get out of here Olsen before you do something rash he thought. He turned around and left. Getting downstairs, he met his housekeeper.

"Could you get coffee for my fiancee please?" he asked.

"Of course Mr.Culver" Mrs. Jones said. Olsen had never told her please.

He walked to back to his room to have a shower. He got dressed in his normal work clothes and by the time he was out, Kim was dressed for work too. She was wearing long sleeved shirt and a denim skirt with a fine vintage necklace and white pumps. She had her hair up in a ponytail again and no make up on but she still looked beautiful.

"Ready for work?"

"yeah" she said holding a coffee mug in her hand.

"do you like your coffee?" he asked.

"Yes, it's strong with little sugar just the way I like it" she said smiling at her mug.

"let's go" he said leading the way downstairs. He didn't even bother about breakfast. He never did.

"Aren't you going to have breakfast?" she asked stopping at the door.

"No leave it lets go"

"You never have breakfast?"


Kim looked at the man in front of her. She walked back to the kitchen noticing that the housekeeper wasn't around, she opened his refrigerator.

"What are you doing?" Olsen asked as she bent down in front of him to get a pan for what ever it was that she was getting done.

"I'm making your breakfast" she answered innocently

"I meant bending right in front of me,teasing me with all that ass, you know my reputation" he said.

She looked at him and rolled her eyes at him before getting to work. when she was done, Olsen had pancakes and bacon in front him. He first had a test, it was delicious, he had more. Kim was pleased he was eating well.

"Change your mind about breakfast?" she asked cocking a brow and biting her plush lips.

"I need more convincing" he said pointing to her plate of pancakes. She smiled down at her plate and took out two more pancakes for him. He smiled like a ten year old boy as the pancakes reached his plate. Kim was amazed at how he could be, he was a handsome man and watching him smile and eat stirred up some emotions, she was happy in that moment till reality kicked in.

"We have to go if we don't want to be late" she said standing from where she sat.

"Relax, we can be late for ten minutes" he said pulling her down to his lap.

Kim tried to stand but he held her closer. "Olsen I swear to God if..."

"Alright, okay, fine you can go" he said letting her go. He stood up after a few bites.

"Finish your breakfast" she instructed.

"I'm the boss here the last time I checked" he said.

"Yet you pay me to whoop your ass" she said walking out his front door.

"The car will be waiting for you downstairs" he said as she entered the elevator.

She went downstairs and like he said, the car was waiting for her. She was driven straight to the office and when she got there, security was waiting to escort her into the building.

"You won't believe who's here" Sophia said as Kim got on the thirteenth floor.

"Who?'' Kim asked.

"Eva Harkin"

"The ex?" she asked.

Sophia rolled her eyes at Kim "No the next, of course it's the ex"

Kim was suddenly in a panic, "what do I do?" she asked.

"Easy, just walk in there look like you own the place, if she tries anything funny, well be like Olsen, be creative" Sophia said before pushing Kim to the direction of Olsen's office and it was too late for her to turn back, Eva had already seen her. Kim smiled at the woman who had abandoned Olsen, somehow she felt jealousy.

"Hi, I don't think we got the chance to really introduce ourselves" Kim said stretching her hand.

"Stay away from Olsen" Eva said plainly. She had come to warn this woman away from Olsen because she intended on getting him back although she had to admit the woman standing in front of her was rather ravishing. Olsen really had an eye for beauty.

"I beg your pardon" Kim said rather shocked that this woman could be blunt.

"I see you're already using his credit cards, you're obviously here for his money seeing that your tacky way of dressing has improved with a little class" Eva said smirking at Kim's shocked face.

Kim gave her a self satisfying smile.

"Yeah well he insisted, I did undergo a wardrobe change, it does have class, I would have gotten you some but apparently you can't fir into any good class that may be manageable" Kim said.

"I couldn't have put it any other way" Olsen said from his door.

"Although she has a tacky way of dressing, she is my fiancee so I suggest you leave" He said as he kissed Kim's hand.

Eva tried to compose herself as she walked out of his office.

"You did good Kim Bear" Olsen said.

"Kim Bear? really?" Kim asked.

"What? I like the name" Olsen said.

"Okay cupcake" Kim said smirking. her tablet beeped.

Olsen walked closer. 'I'm about yo kiss you"

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