Olsen's Tuesday

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He almost ran over a rusty looking woman as he drove to work her hair didn't even look dry. He just had an incredible night with a Chloe or was it Samantha? Any way he was sure she was sexy and blonde.....no brunette definitely a brunette ..... now he was unsure he just left a woman in his bed and he couldn't even recall what she looked like. He brushed the thought aside and walked into the elevator he had a break today. It was Olsen's Tuesday. His very own day to sleep at work, he thought to himself.

"Happy Olsen Tuesday," he said getting on the thirteenth  floor. He looked around at the cubicles where beaming faces smiled at him then he turned to his  best friend.

"What's up? Any news?" He asked the blonde.

"The new girl's here," she said.

"Oh come on Sophie couldn't you just send her home for today I'm very tired," he whined.

"Olsen it's 10:50 in the morning and you just  checked in,"  Sophie said biting her lip and cocking her eyebrow which he would have found completely erotic if this brown eyed beauty wasn't a lesbian.

"Are you sure you're gay?" He asked.

"Yes. Now get into your office and I'll send her in," Sophie said. 

"Good.... one question..."

"She is absolutely gorgeous," Sophie answered knowing the better part of the unfinished question.

" I rest my case," he said retreating to his office. He wondered if she'd be a lot like the other girls. He had every type of woman in every cubicle that he liked to call the thirteenth floor The Great Olsen Collection. God I hope it's a dumb blonde, he thought. He lay on his couch in his office and closed his eyes for a few minutes before taking off with the wave of sleep. He didn't get much last night. He spent it with a woman who's face he did not remember and who's name he couldn't recall.

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