In the Middle

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Kim turned around to see another man standing a few paces from them. He was just as handsome as Olsen but in her opinion, there was something darker about his attitude which seemed to make him more appealing. She felt hot just with the way he looked at her with his dark blue eyes. Am I blessed today or what?, she thought.

Olsen looked at her from the corner of his eye and felt a pang of jealousy. He cleared his throat and grabbed Kim's hand pulling her behind him.

" Sorry pal, this one's not for you," he said.

"Hello brother," the man simply said. Kim felt awkward for two reasons: one for the fact that she was in between to outworldly handsome men and second for the fact that Olsen still held her hand.

Jayden Strade looked at the woman his little half brother was with and thought, why does he always have to get the most beautiful girl. He took his time to savor the beauty in his brother's arms. She was of moderate height. The dress she wore showed off her figure distinctively one thing was for sure, her legs were the smoothest he'd seen very pretty in fact and all he could think of was how she'd look in bed. Her olive skin seemed to work with her dark long hair which she pulled up in a pony tail. Her face was a beauty to behold. Her cheek bones were high and she had a nose as fine as a bamboo, her lips plush and pale pink, her eyes were as gray as ash but glistened when she batted her long eye lashes. Her hands looked elegant, small and fragile with long beautiful fingers looking at them made him imagine what it would feel like for her to touch him. He never had perverted thoughts like this but for her, he was willing to make an exception after all he was very sure that his brother would dump her after a few days.

Olsen saw the way his brother looked at her and he knew very well what his half brother was thinking. "Walk away and meet me in front of the horse paddock, I have some thing to take care of," he said. She was going to say something when he kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear. "That's an order,"

Kim wondered why but did what her boss said to do.

Olsen liked the look on his brother's face. He smirked at his brother and walked towards him. Jayden hadn't changed since he left for Sweden four years ago only then, he was twenty nine years old now he was thirty three years old. Jayden still had his defined angular face, blue eyes, dark hair, muscles only that his( Olsen,) were better but they were of almost the same height.

"You still do not know how to share toys," Jayden said walking to his younger brother. Olsen said nothing. "But I shared mine with you,"

"That wasn't a toy," Olsen said seeing hatred in his brother's eyes.

"Who is she?" Jayden asked.

"Someone obviously," Olsen answered walking in the opposite direction. 

"Well Uncle Sean is talking about Mom's will," Jayden said hoping to stop his brother from insulting his pride anymore than he already had in the past and it worked. Olsen turned around.

Kim got to the horse paddock but the sign read that the horses would be arriving in a few hours so she turned around and walked back to where she left Olsen. She walked past a couple and thought about the kiss on her forehead. Smiling to herself she walked in a cloud thinking about the man that took only a day to get her giddy for him. It felt good.

"You're not taking the ring," Olsen said.

His voice almost broke. It was strange but she thought he was vulnerable that second.

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