Boss meets PA

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"Are you okay?" Sophie asked her.

"Um... yeah I think, how do I look?" She asked.

"Much better than I remember,"

Kim wasn't sure whether or not to take it as an insult or a complement that she had looked rusty and was now looking presentable.

"What happened to those plush pink lips of yours?"

" I bit them. Is he here?"


Kim walked out of the bathroom suddenly feeling her heart beat faster. Her neighbor had gotten her this interview and she wasn't going to let the sweet girl down although there was something queer about the way the girl looked when she gave her the office number,  she almost looked heartbroken but she brushed off the thought as she entered the office of her new boss if she nailed that interview.

The office was a classic decor of white black and red. A nice glass desk with a nice chair that looked so comfortable that she was tempted to touch but she held back. She looked around once more and saw a nice bar by the side and neatly arranged folders and a nice red couch that came with an accessory— an incredibly handsome douchebag. Mmmm God is that one fine specimen, she thought, Now, now you don't get to do that, her subconscious told her but she still moved forward to look at him. He had his mouth slightly opened but his thin pink lips were calling to her so, she  decided to look someplace else. She turned to his eyes and caught them staring at hers. Sophie lied, he thought.

"And your name is?" He asked.

"Kimberly Primrose Nile, Sir,"  she answered feeling a knot tie up in her belly.

"Which is the name you use on a normal bases?"  He asked.

"Which do you think?"  The words came out before she could stop them.

"Are you giving me an attitude?" He asked in a threatening voice.

" No. I'm sorry it just came out before I...."

" I love it. You start on Thursday," he said reclining comfortable on his red couch wanting desperately to go back to sleep. Kim looked at her handsome reckless boss. He didn't even look at her resume, which wasn't originally a problem it just looked like he studied her and let her take the job.

"Is there a problem ?" He asked opening his eyes.

"No, I mean yes you didn't read my resume," she  complained.

"Actually, I did yesterday so go," he said dismissing her and going back to sleep. He watched her leave with one eye open, indeed she something else. He really didn't read her resume but he was sure that if Sophie recommended her, then she must have been pretty good; he had just given her the job because he thought she was incredibly sexy and good to look at. He had studied her right from her soul piercing gray eyes to her gracefully long neck and her cheekbones. Her body was sensational, she had all the right junk in all the right places. The clothes shoes wore made her curves pronounced. Oh those hips and the way her dark hair  looked, wet glossy lips with a cut now that would be one fine breakfast in bed, he thought.

"I know what you're thinking and you can't, unless you want to have sex with her and fire her like you did to your last fifteen PA's ,"  Sophie said from the door.

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