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Sophie walked around her desk smiling. The last time she had seen Olsen this mad over a woman was when Eva left him but that was after he had lived her for the first two years in college after that, he became New York's most wanted Playboy as far as she knew but for the new girl to affect him this way in just a day. It must be his lust, she thought. It had to be otherwise, he was insane. Now he was asking for the same woman who he insisted would come the day after.

Kim got a call from Sophie telling her know that she had to come to work the next day. He really knows how to drive a girl nut, she thought putting down the phone. She went to her wardrobe and picked out a nice patterned dress with navy blue shoes she was about to get into her bathtub when her machine came up. " Hey Prim it's me Pete, I think I'm gonna make it so let's meet at the truck meet you there in an hour,"

Pete was her big brother who was very protective of her and this was the first time in two months that they were going to spend time together. So, she decided to shower really fast and wear her jumper  shorts and grey T shirt forgetting to dry her again and rolled it up in a bon. She let the night city breeze touch her skin as she walked to the taco truck. She stood waiting at the truck for two hours when she got a text. Of course, she thought. He couldn't make it because he was stuck at home. Looks like I'm going to be by myself, she said turning around.

" Oh no," she said.

She was standing there again in front of him but she looked like she was waiting for someone and looked disappointed when she saw him. He felt a jab in his side and that only happened whenever he felt jealous.

"Boyfriend," he said already assuming because it would be crazy if she didn't.

" I wish, my own brother managed to stand me up," she said twisting her lips which was incredibly sexy to him. "You?"  she asked.

" Taking a walk," he said looking at what she was wearing. She wore jumper shorts that made her tight ass incredibly amazing to look at and the night T-shirt she was wearing didn't hide her curves one bit.

Turning around to see the man she had just left a few hours ago made her stop cold but taking her time to look at him made her worry about her self-control. This man looked good in everything. He was hot when he was asleep, when he woke up, when he was wearing loose work clothes, when he was in an official outfit and now just wearing sneakers, a nice work out shirt and pants made him look hotter. He looked different in workout clothes but still hot though. Apparently, he was looking too.

" See something you like?" she asked.

" Yeah a lot of things," he said.
Pig, she thought although she liked that he admired her but not in the way she wanted him to.

" Well since you got stood up and I'm hungry after all the workout, we could use some of that taco," he suggested.

" Maybe a little," she said without even thinking.

He grinned and walked to the front of the truck. He turned back and smiled. "Aren't you going to order something?" He asked. "Order anything without shellfish," she said. "Why would anyone have shellfish in taco?" He asked. She shrugged. "You're allergic right?" He asked. "How did you know?" She asked sarcastically. "Come on over," he said taking a menu. She joined him and got extra cheese on hers.  "Which way are you going?" he asked as they got theirs.

"That way," she said pointing to the way he came from.

"Okay as a matter of fact, I saw a great ice cream place around that corner we can go and um.." he started chewing more of his taco."You're paying," he said walking away.

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