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"Come in," Sean said taking her hand and going in. Shock made bit so that Kim couldn't even react and allowed herself to be pulled into the fine gallery.

Olsen went into the buildings after a few minutes of fixing himself up. He walked to his uncle who was already introducing Kim to a few people.

" Uncle Sean, can I talk with Kim for a minute— privately?" He asked.

"Of course," Sean said.

" Excuse me," Kim said following Olsen. When they were at a safe and isolated part of the gallery, Kim separated herself from him. "What in the world is going on?" She asked with obvious fury and shock.

"I wish I knew," he said with clear frustration.

" I saw the news papers and it appears, that we have been dating  for the last nine months and that's long enough to bring a child into the world, that had the pictures of the taco truck, the ice cream shop and it appeared like we were kissing,  the waffle house, the fair and the Broadway show," she said with distress. At that point, Olsen started laughing or at least he was making an effort not to laugh. "What is so funny about this?" Kim asked and the was her eyebrows were creased, it looked like she was ready to commit murder.

" I see where this is going," he said.

"Oh do you now," she said placing her hand on her waist.

"Yeah, you have never gone out with a guy for up to nine months and now your fake love life is a lot better than your real love life,"

"That is not important right now," she said.

"Okay I'll cut the jokes, the truth is, I kind of lied to the press that I was serious about a woman for nine months and I wanted to keep it exclusive so when I was seen with you, people kind of guessed you were that woman,"

He said.

She started biting her fingers out of distress. Olsen held the hand and kissed her forehead.

" I'm sorry you got involved," he said.

"That's how you apologize?" She asked.

"What if we could pull this off, you could buy that horse with the money or do whatever,"  he said.

"No," she said plainly.

"Come on there must be something you want so badly," he said.

"There isn't and I'm completely  fine with that," she answered.

"Okay please I beg you will you do this for me," he said pleadingly.

" No," she said.

Olsen saw no other way, hr went down on one knee. "If you don't say you're my girlfriend, there are gonna take my most valuable asset," he confessed.

" Your company?" she asked. He shook his head. "Your estate and all your shares?" She asked.

And again he shook his head.

"Then what is it?" She asked wanting to know what it was that was so valuable to him.

"My mother's ring and if I don't find a finger to put it on, Jayden's going to have the legal right to take it away and hat was the one thing she really wanted me to have, so please I beg you— will you?"  

"I ... I really don't have a choice do i ?" She said.

"No you don't— thank you," he said smiling and hugging her.

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