ZA(South Africa)

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You all know Stephen Amnell from arrow right? Well I thought he was a perfect Olsen except for the green eyes but he's still hot even. Read,enjoy

There he was on the bed, just looking at her as she walked towards him in the fine black lace that make her skin glow more, her curvy hips swayed seductively as she approached him, her breasts were full and looked like they couldn't wait to be in his hands. She let her hair down very slowly knowing how much he liked it. She got on the bed creeping slowly but he couldn't wait for her to get to him instead he rose and cupped her bums drawing her to himself, kissing her until he drew moans from her mouth. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have this woman in his arms, he wasn't ever going to let her go.

"Olsen" she whispered in his ears, her grey eyes filled with lust, the type he had women unconsciously wear whenever he glanced their way.

"Olsen" she said more seriously

Wait a minute... this wasn't real

He fluttered his eyes open. She was staring at him bent over, he could see her cleavage but she obviously didn't know that. "We're in South Africa, the car is waiting" she said before standing upright and walking out of the plane.

Kim had never been to Africa, South Africa was exceptionally beautiful even from the airport. She felt the cool breeze brush her face as warm hands wrapped themselves around her waist. She drew a sharp breath upon contact and turned to see green eyes boring a hole in her.She didn't say anything as he drew closer and leaned for a kiss, she was going to let him when a funny looking black personnel cleared his throat.

"I'm Sorry to interrupt, I'm Tarim"he said stretching his for a hand shake.

"I'm Olsen Culver" Olsen said taking the man's hand. "This is Kim Niles.." he started and looked at Kim. She mirrored his expression, they hadn't figured out what they were yet, she was definitely not his fiance.

"Kim is my PA" he said.

It was the truth but somehow her heart still sank. "Kim is also my fiancee" he said smiling at her.

"I realized it when I saw the ring, come you are a beautiful couple" Tarim said as he opened the car door for them.

They got in and Tarim drove them to the lake house near Cape Town, they would be living their until they were ready to take off. The house was beautiful, it was made of fine dark brown oak wood, the interior was classic, cream and chocolate colored furniture, bowls of pebbles and shells in water. There was a fake fire place that gave just as good heat that a real fire could provide. When Tarim got all their baggage from the car he called two names that seemed completely weird to Kim. Shortly afterwards a little girl ran in followed by a pretty and thin woman ad given the wedding band on her hand that was identical to Tarim's it was clear that they were married and the little girl was their daughter.

"This is my family, Muna my wife" he said.

"Pleased to meet you" she said smiling sweetly.

"Like wise" I said.

"My daughter, Nana" he said.

"Good evening" she said smiling sweetly, she was like her mother except from the crook on her nose that was just like her father's.

"Hello" Kim said.

"Come, we will show your rooms to you" Muna said.

Kim and Olsen followed her up the stairs where they found their baggage in front of two doors. "I'll let you two choose or do you wish to have a room together"

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