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Kim woke up on the bright Tuesday morning and smiled to herself ad the rays hit her soft face. She was supposed to do something today.

"Holy pastramis," she said to herself jumping out of bed. It was her first real job after four months of mopping over a break up with her boss and she promised herself never to get involved with the boss and as she washed up, she prayed she had a female boss even though her life would be hell, it was better than being involved in a scandal with the boss.

Getting out of the bath room she looked for what to wear when the machine came on.

"Ms. Niles, I just called to let you know your appointment is scheduled for 10:30am which is practically thirty minutes from now so best hurry,". Kim thought to herself   "I'm gonna lose my job without an interview,". She rushed grabbing anything she could and ran out of her apartment not minding what she wore. She caught a taxi and told him where to go. "Um ma'am ..." the driver started. "Yeah what?" she asked.

"Your hair is wet," he said.


She touched her hair. She had completely forgotten to dry hair hair. " I know, it's the new trend, it makes the hair look wonderful trust me,"  she lied. "Oh ," the driver said. He was a peculiar looking man by the confused expression on his face which made him look like Popeye the sailor man.

"Um... we're here. Thanks," she said running out of the car and almost got run down by a car

"Hey, watch it!!" She yelled.

"New Yorkers" the driver said. She gave him a dry smile and ran into the building hoping she wasn't late.

Getting to the 13th floor, the secretary a beautiful blonde wearing bold lipstick greeted her. " Hi," she said cheerfully.

" Hi I'm..."

"Kim Niles I know, I'm Sophie Crisson  nice to meet you,"

"Same here I hope I'm not too late?"

" You're in luck Mr. Culver isn't in yet,"

"I'm sorry did you say mister?"

She asked blinking.

"Yes," Sophie answered smiling.

"Sorry one more question, how hot is he from a scale of one to ten?" Kim asked.

"A ten, definitely a ten,"  she answered.

"Last question, how attracted is he to women?" She asked.

"What kind of good looking guy isn't addicted to beautiful women? Have you seen his staff?" Sophie asked making her point. And for the first time Kim looked around just to see the cubicles were full of beautiful and incredibly sexy women.

" I bet he's had sex with everyone in this place," she said out loud.

"No that was the old crew he doesn't work with anyone he's slept with,".

"That's a relief," Kim said touching her hair and realized hair was still wet. "You don't happen to have a hair drier do you?" She asked.

Sophie shoke her head. "Can you tell me where the bathroom is?"

"It's right over there,"

Kim found her way to the ladies room and looked at herself. Being sincere to herself, she thought she looked hireable. A white crop top with a nice Aztec patterned high waisted skirt and a pair of blanched orange  shoes. Her hair and make up were a bit of hell on their own. She opened up her purse and looked for a comb she was always sure she had one. She tried to comb her hair but it wasn't  working out. She looked around thinking of what do with her hair normally, she wasn't really a genius, but whenever she got an idea she'd try it. She put her hair under the hand drier and it started blowing on her hair. That's right dry fast, she thought. Every thing was going well until  some strands got stuck. Trying to yank them out was extremely difficult and painful after pulling she bit her lip to stop herself from screaming but that didn't change anything at the she screamed and everyone outside  turned around. Kim wasn't concerned about what kind of pain she was going through she was only concerned about her hair. She used the comb and ran it through her dark long hair that had a wet lock look. Much better, she thought as she fixed up her hair in a pony started working on her make up.

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