Destiny or Fate or Karma whatever

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They stopped at the flower shop to buy some orchids. Although Kim really didn't know why Olsen had insisted on orchids she didn't comment she was still trying to shake off the sexual torture he had made her go through earlier. She didn't realize that she was in deep thoughts till a nice bouquet of calla lilies danced in front of her. She smiled at the thought and reached out to take them.

"They are lovely"

"Of course they are it'll be lovely in the living room" Olsen said smiling at the bouquet when he noticed her horrified look. "Wait you didn't think they were for you did you?" He asked laughing.

Kim was completely speechless and her facial expressions gave it all away.

"Can we go now? I'm getting really sleepy" she stated walking out of the shop to the car.

Olsen smiled at the funny goddess who was retreating to the car, he loved it when she was like that sometimes she was completely clueless as to what was happening around her. He paid for the orchids and calla lilies before leaving to join his 'fiancé'. The car ride was quiet except for the whistling. Olsen had his way of unravelling Kim's nerves but she had her own poker face. When they got home, she was quiet she went straight to the kitchen to help Muna and Nana with lunch.

"I thought you were sleepy"

"Oh I was but now I just want to do something else, something worth my time and attention" she said as she tightened her apron and fixed her hair in a bun. As she turned to the mid section of the kitchen to cut vegetables, Olsen wrapped his strong arms around her and buried his head in her neck causing Kim to stop cutting.

"What do you think you're doing?"

" Just for a minute" he said tightening his hold on her pulling their bodies closer. He loved the way she smelled, her hair smelt like roses.

"You have no idea what you do to me"

"I....I" Kim started to speak, this man had no idea what he did to her too, she couldn't stay angry with him for long either.

"Shhhh, don't say a thing" Olsen said as he turned her to face him. Seeing her in her kitchen attire made her look like any ordinary fiance except she wasn't real.

"Rose" he whispered as his tucked a loose strand behind her ear and then stroked her bottom lip bringing her head closer. Kim closed her eyes as their noses touched inhaling his manly scent and as he touched her lip her knees went weak. He brushed their lips briefly looking at her with her eyes closed. Kim let her hands wander up to his strong Christ and as she did that, Olsen drew in a long breathe before joining  their lips briefly before drawing back. Kim mined in disappointment which only made him chuckled lightly in a low, deep, and dangerously seductive way. She went on the tip of her toes kissing him fully on the lips. With that kiss they both became defenceless to each other, both forgetting what was happening around them.   

"Mr Culver ...." Tarim walked in interrupting them. Kim withdrew from Olsen's embrace and turned to Tarim but Olsen still held her from behind putting his head on her shoulder. This action made  Tarim smirk. "Muna asked if she could help or if we are dismissed for now" he asked.

"No you are dismissed we'll handle lunch and dinner" Olsen said. As Tarim left he turned to Kim, " Now where were we?"

"Making lunch" Kim said moving to the vegetables.

"What's for lunch?"

"Fried rice " she said chopping some carrots and celery.

" Isn't it too much for you to handle?"

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