Flowers or Daimonds

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Kim watched him leave and after a while, shifted her attention to her nieces who sprang in the bed nevertheless being careful not to hit her.

"What were you thinking about to be so careless?" Pete asked.
About him, she thought. How could someone be so raw, she wasn't the nicest person but she'd never been that mean to anyone.

"Can I have a glass of water?" She asked stroking her niece Leigh–Anne's fine blonde hair.

" Sure honey, just a minute," Heidi said walking out.

She smiled at her other niece Simone who was smiling at her showing off her loose tooth.

"Daddy said the tooth fairy's gonna come tonight," she said

"The tooth fairy doesn't exist Simone," Leigh–Anne said to her sister.

"Yes, she does," Simone said.

"No, she doesn't," her sister argued.

"She does exist right Aunt Prim?"  Simone asked.

"Of course she does,"  Kim answered.

"See,"  the younger girl said smiling and making a face at her older sister.

"Keep making that face and Santa Claus isn't going to leave presents this Christmas," Pete said lifting his five year old daughter.

" I'm sorry Leigh," Simone said.

"Here's your water," Heidi said coming into the room.

Leigh–Anne helped Kim up so she could drink.

The nurse came in smiling apologetically.

"Time to go?" Pete asked.

"I'm afraid so," she said.

They all said their goodbyes and left. Kim closed her eyes for a minute and when she  opened her eyes he was standing in front of her.

"What do want?" She asked.

"I came to spend the night with my lovely fiancée," he said.

"I'm  good," she said.

He went down on one knee. "What are you doing?" She asked trying to sit up.

"No no rest," he said standing immediately tucking her in so she could be comfortable. "I'm sorry I  said what I said in the car its just that I felt a bit upset about what you said to your brother about me,"  he said then taking her hand and caressing it gently. "I promise, I'll be a gentle man towards you and I will never touch you  until you ask me to," he said smiling in a goofy way.

"Touch me?" She asked.

"Okay that came out wrong," he said smiling.

"Yeah how did you get in here?" She asked.

"Oh that, I kinda paid the nurse to kindly kick everyone out in a totally subtle manner, besides visiting time was over an hour ago," he said.

"How come you're still here?" She asked.

"Because, I'm the man who's going to take care of you from now on," he said sitting in the closest chair.

" Wait, like starting right now?"  Kim asked.

"Yes," he said.

She smiled childishly as he leaned in to tuck her hair which she still somehow kept up in a bun. "How come you don't let your hair down?"  Olsen asked.

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