Definitely, Maybe, Possibly Fate

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" So that was you?" Olsen said looking at Kim.

She had changed since that time, she was more like a puny adult very fragile looking but she had gone down the 'I'm now a sexy beautiful goddess lane" a and now she was just that.

" No that wasn't me"

"Sacarsm isn't appreciated" Olsen said talking a bit of his chicken.

"No, I'm actually serious that wasn't me"

"Very well then I'll play, your dead twin sister was the one I met and she told you all about the crazy rich and might I add very dashing picky eater that helped her pass her last exam and then she shared her recipe with you and since that time you've developed it and now you want me to give you a thumbs up, then you realized that you just got a deja vu except it wasn't it was actually the real deal" Olsen finished talking.

Kim's face was blank. It was as if he had actually read her mind.

Olsen on the other hand was feeling victories like he had beat her at her own game not taking his eyes off her, he reached for his glass of water.

"That's exactly it" Kim answered with teats in her eyes.

" Oh you're good" Olsen said smiling as he took a sip.

"No I'm actually serious"


He obviously didn't believe her and she knew it which just made her furious.

"You're not listening to me!!" She nearly screamed as she banged the table causing the water jug to fall to the ground spilling water and crashing the glass.

It was then that Olsen saw the real pain in her eyes. It was so raw, he had never seen anyone so shattered since his mom died.

"She is dead" she said letting the years fall. She looked away focusing her gaze to the ground "There's glass everywhere" she said stooping to pick up the pieces.


She didn't answer.

" Kim"

She still remained the same.

Olsen stood up from his seat and stooped near her.

"Kim" he said softly, touching her gently.

His touch was always but this  time it made her cut herself.

" Don't worry my darling I'm here" Olsen said helping her stand before lifting her and carrying her upstairs to her room.

He lay her down and went to get the first aid box in her bathroom. He quickly returned to her side to clean the little cut that happened to be so deep. They were quiet while he was tending to her wound.

"Her name was Berry" she said.

"She was the weak fragile one, ya know. Always so the good in things but she was never daring enough to actually do what she wanted. That's where I come in, it was like the thinker and doer situation"

"Slam dunk for me calculations for her, when I said yes she said no, when she said stop all I wanted to do was go go go, she was the better half me, and I was hers" the tears rolled down slowly and it broke Olsen to see her that way.

"She was half I always needed, and I was the half that drove her crazy, although we both the I was way better in stereo" Kim said with a sad laugh.

Olsen finished cleaning up and kissed her hand bar and the part that had the plaster on.

"I'm here for you so if you want just let it out"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2015 ⏰

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