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Kim wove her hair before taking a bath and came out in the maroon bathrobe Ellen had left for her. She dried her hair but didn't loosen it and as she sat to put on some lotion that was already set on the dresser, a man walked in and the way he walked clearly screamed who and what he really was.

"Kim," he said behind the strange man. He looked uncomfortable seeing her like that and that made her feel incredibly hot seeing that she made him feel that way.

"Yeah," she answered pretending to try and hide her long legs.

"This is Elsa, he's going to do your hair and make up so I leave you in his very capable hands," he said.

When Olsen left, Elsasmiled like a little girl and said.

"He's got a hot ass," which was very true now that Kim actually thought about it.

" So what are you go to do with my look,"

"Girl what are we gonna do cause from the way you look, I can only do so much, you don't need nobody doing anything else on you but just so Mr. Hot Shot sees some work, I'll give you a little boost,"

"Here we go but please don't cut my hair I don't want as much as a little razor slash my locks," Kim said.

"You got it," Elsa said.

He did a bit for her face, little blush, powder, mascara and nude colored lip gloss and he swept her hair to the side over her right shoulder and helped her into her dress and she didn't give it much thought because of his sexuality, his name was Elsa how crazy couldn't it get. He picked out a pair snake skin patterned  platform shoes which gave the dress a pop of color and let her keep the little pendant which was a very simple piece of jewellery and her stud earrings.

"My my, you make Kim Kardashian look too proportioned," Elsa said.

"Thanks," she said. They both heard a gasp from the door and it was Ellen. "Wow," the girl said.

"Ellen please get Miss Kim down here, Mr. Culver is waiting," Francis' voice called.

"That's my cue," she said.

"Don't you need a clutch?" Elsa asked waving a simple but perfectly shaped clutch.

"Yeah, thanks," Kim said raking it from him and following Ellen to the door where Olsen was standing. He was wearing a grey suit with a nice navy blue pocket square.

"What are you wearing? What is that hideous thing?" He asked showing dissatisfaction with what she was wearing.

"I thought you liked it," she said clearly confused.

"Who would ever like something so hideous?" He asked with a face like he had eaten sour grapes.

" But Mr Culver the dress looks lovely on her," Ellen said from the side.

"No, she's breathe taking in the dress," he said.

"Then what is your problem?" Kim asked.

"Your jewelry," he said waving his hand.

"I don't see any thing wrong with them," Kim said.

" Just take them off we'll get you some at the fundraiser," he said going g behind her unhooking her necklace while Ellen took off her earrings then he took her hand without a second of thinking and got into the elevator straight to the front of the building where the car was waiting for them. Kim was still grumbling when she got into the car.

"Look you're not the boss of me, I can wear any type of jewelry that o please its not your neck or ears and even if I'm engaged to you doesn't mean you get to dictate what I wear," she said.

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