World Tour

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AN: hey, sorry about the massive grammatical errors, those were mostly because I'm always rushing. The late update was because I lost my password, sick right? I know and for that I apologize, I'll try harder. For Kim's character I thought 'the mother confessor' would be a good fit, enjoy!

Kim looked at Olsen liked he had lost his mind, she was about to talk back when she caught Sean's image on the silverware that Olsen kept on display by his table. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I suggest you do just that" she said silently eager for his lips.

Olsen smiled and made good on his promise. The kiss wasn't what he expected it to be, he wanted it to be meaningless or at most lustful but rather it stirred up something different, he couldn't quite put his finger on it, wanting more, he drew her closer, he didn't want to let go. Kim felt the same way, as their bodies touched, she deepened the kiss opening her mouth to let him in. She heard him groan as his hands started to travel from her back down south,but they stopped once the got to the nick of her hips that way his hands wouldn't be on her ass.

"Sorry to interrupt but I have something for you" Sean's voice was clear.

With much effort Olsen let her go. His heart was beating a million miles a second and that wasn't because he was out of breathe. Kim's lips were swollen red and plush. Those lips would be the death of him as her fought the urge to resist her.

"One second Uncle Sean" he said pulling her to him again and kissing her. This time she pushed him away gently but in her eyes, she was furious.

"Booboo stop it Sean needs to talk to you" she said walking away.

"Actually you're involved" Sean said stopping Kim from passing through the door.

"Okay" she said walking back to Olsen.

"Think of it as an early wedding gift" Sean started.

Neither Kim nor Olsen could comprehend. "The thing is, part of your mother's will about the ring, is that you are supposed to take the woman you propose to on a six country tour and maybe you could get some business done too considering the countries she chose have branches of the company"

"Wait like an early honeymoon?" Kim asked.

"Exactly" Sean said looking searchingly at his nephew but Olsen kept quiet.

"The countries?" Olsen asked

"South Africa, Greece, Spain,South Korea, The Caribbean and France respectively, after the six months, you can get married" Sean said smiling.

Getting married, Kim had only just realized how deep into this she was getting.

"Okay" Olsen said smiling at his Uncle, somehow, he was thrilled with the idea of Kim becoming Mrs.Culver. Now that it had sunk in, he really wanted it but he didn't dare say it afraid of what her answer would be.

"Very well, you can take off tonight, Sophie has already arranged your schedule and.."

Kim's tablet beeped showing her a new calender for Olsen's new schedule for the next six months.

"Tonight?" Kim said with panic in her voice. This was moving too fast, yes she was thrilled at the idea of her traveling round the world the most beautiful man but all of this was too fast,his life was too dynamic, paparazzi, new expensive clothes, diamonds that cost enough to make her faint although that part didn't happen thankfully.

Olsen heard it in her voice so did Sean. He didn't want her to cave, he wanted her to be ecstatic. Somehow he felt afraid of what would happen if she backed out, he wouldn't only loose the ring, he'd loose her. He wouldn't fire her, she would quit, and he was just starting to have feelings for her, real ones that made his heart race, she was the first person to make him try tacos, minty cotton candy, breakfast at home even the waffles too were the first times he had breakfast on work days.

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