Chapter One: Jacob

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24 hours earlier.

"You know, I understand that you two are natural born enemies, but I really don't see why neither of you can be mature enough to set aside your differences and at least try to be civil for my sake." Bella said, clearly exasperated.

I had just finished changing the oil in her beat up old truck, and she had just finished another lecture on how I should really try to get along with her beloved bloodsucker for about the hundredth time.

I rolled my eyes, wiping my hands with an old oil rag.

"Look, I am civil towards him. Every time I see him and manage to not rip his arrogant little head off, I consider that being totally civil."
This earned me a frustrated glare, so I just grinned and chucked the oil rag in my hands at the beautiful girl in front of me.

She swatted it away, and continued to glare, but there was a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

I knew she wouldn't stay mad at me. Hell, she never could. We just worked so well together. That's why I still couldn't understand why she wouldn't just let me in. I knew she loved me, but for some reason she just kept clinging to that damn monster. Even after he left her half dead and broken for me to put back together and bring back to life.

Sometimes, I think it really would have worked out between us too. If Cullen hadn't pulled that stupid stunt in Italy, it would be my attention and love she craved, not his.

I shook my head and walked out of the garage for a second. Thoughts like that always got my blood boiling. Perfect timing I guess, cause as soon as I turned away from her, Bella's phone rang.

"Hey, Edward!" She answered brightly, causing me to clench my fists.

I could hear the smile in her voice, and felt the familiar pain in my chest that always came when it was time for him to take her from me.

"Okay, great. I'll meet you at the house in just a few minutes. I love you too. Bye." I turned around just as she hung up the phone and slipped it back into her pocket.

Composing myself as best as I could, I stepped back into the garage, preparing myself to let the love of my life go, yet again.

She smiled brightly at me, and instantly I felt a smile of my own break across my face. She just had that affect on me.
"That was Edward. He wants to take me on a double date type thing with Alice and Jasper in Port Angeles, and-"
Before she could say another word, and add to the pain and anger that was already bubbling just below the surface, I pulled her into a deep hug, pressing her face to my chest.

She managed to pull her head back just enough to breathe, and a light laugh escaped her lips.

God, I loved that sound.

"Jake, I love you too, but you're squishing me." She laughed.

"You'll survive. I promise. Just a few more seconds." I answered, really hating the thought of letting her go.

When I felt her hug me back, it was like everything else just melted away. Anytime she returned my affection in any way, I could almost pretend that just for a moment she was really mine.

Then, I felt her try to pull away, and I dropped my arms, letting her go.

She smiled happily up at me.

"So, I'm going to try to come back tomorrow of you're not busy with anything. If Charlie hasn't planned anything for us. I've either been here with you, or out with Edward all week, and you know how he gets. But I'll call you. Bye, Jake!"

She reached out and touched my arm briefly, before she turned and got into her truck. She rolled the window down, as I walked up to the driver side door.

"See ya, Bells. Give Cullen a good, swift kick in the ego for me." I grinned to let her know I was just kidding.

She rolled her eyes, and grinned.
"Goodbye, Jacob."

The old Ford's deafeningly loud engine roared to life, and I stepped back as Bella pulled out of the garage. I watched as she made her way out of the driveway, onto the road, and out of sight.

Letting out a heavy sigh, I trudged out of the garage towards the house.

"Here we go again." I grumbled, feeling the pain in my chest that I knew would only let up once she was with me again.

Author's Note:
Hey everyone!! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! I would first like to say that none of the characters in this story belong to me. Niether does the story of Twilight, or New Moon, Eclipse, or Breaking dawn. Its all Stephenie Meyers'!! Having said that, I know its not Jakeward from the jump, but trust me, its gonna happen! I plan on updating regularly so..keep reading! Let me know what you think!! :) :) :) :)

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