Chapter Nineteen: Bella

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I'm so thirsty..

So, so thirsty..

Why won't they let me hunt?

I can't keep going like this.

The sound of the bedroom door slamming open, and hitting the wall, made me snap my head up to look from my cross legged position on the floor.

"On your feet, newborn!" Jane demanded, standing over me.

I just stared up at her, unmoving.

"I said, on your feet!" She repeated, a little louder, kicking at my leg.

Before my mind could register what was happening, my body reacted, and I threw myself at her in an attack. The only thing that saved her was the brief look of confusion that flitted across her features, just before I made contact, that distracted me, allowing her to stop me. She caught me by the throat and arm, and threw me back into the wall behind me, making it crack slightly. I just slid to the floor, and sat there, not really caring anymore.

"Why didn't you stop? That should have dropped you to your knees." Jane whispered. She seemed to be talking more to herself than me, so I didn't bother to answer her.

"I asked you a question, Isabella." She repeated, a little louder.

I resumed my cross legged position, and looked up at her. "I don't know what you're talking about."

She studied me carefully for a moment, then stiffened. "I'm going to go have a word with Aro. Alec will be up with...dinner soon." And with that, she turned on her heel, and left, slamming the door shut and locking it behind her.


A part of me knew what had just taken place with Jane was very important, but I couldn't concentrate enough to put it together. Thirst does that to you. Being a vampire means no illness, no injury, sharp senses, and quick reflexes. Being a starved vampire means slower reflexes, and a dulled mind. Still far beyond the capabilities of any human, but nothing's perfect.

She didn't even do anything. All she did was stand there and look at me.

"Said I should have dropped." I murmured to myself.

Then it hit me.

She tried to use her gift. The pain. didn't work!

"I'm invincible to her gift? That's insane.." I whispered.

The door banged open again, only this time it was Alec who entered, dragging someone by their hair. The person he had hold of was screaming and thrashing around, clawing desperately at Alec's hand and arm, trying to get away.

Once in the room, he kicked the door shut behind him and gave me a pointed look. "Please kill this one quickly, she's very annoying." He requested in a frustrated tone.

He then tossed the screaming girl down in front of me, where she curled into a ball as some form of protection. I crouched forward, and brushed the hair away from her tear soaked face. This only made her scream and cry harder, and mumble nonsensical things. Prayers most likely.

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