I watched, waiting patiently, for Bella to finish her meal.
She and I had met up with Alice and Jasper for a double date in Port Angeles. We were currently sitting at the same restaurant that Bella and I had gone to that night in Port Angeles where we first started to get to know each other.
Bella Italia.
Alice was currently chatting Bella's ear off about a much needed shopping spree, which caused her to shoot me a specific look.
"Oh come on, Bella! You're actually going to have fun this time. Trust me, I've seen it!" Alice cooed, with a bright smile, causing Bella to giggle.
She sighed, then grinned.
"Okay, fine! Let's go, before you see me changing mind." Bella answered, finishing the last bite of her mushroom raviolies.
Alice jumped from her seat with a happy squeak, and placed a quick kiss on Jasper's cheek, as she grabbed her small purse.
Bella stood as well, and leaned down to give me a quick kiss.
"I'll see you soon. Have fun." I said, smiling.
Bella grinned, then suddenly vanished as Alice all but dragged her away from the table and out of the restaurant.
"Looks like its just us boys for the rest of the evening, Jaz." I said, smiling, as I stood to go pay for Bella's food.
"Looks like it." He grinned.
Once we got to the counter, the you g woman at the register lit up, smiling wide at us.
"Thank you for choosing Bella Italia, I hope you had a wonderful meal! How will you be paying this evening?" Her voice was bright, and pleasant. But, a bit shaky. She looked as if she were on the verge of hyperventilation, until Jasper worked his 'magic' on her. She calmed visibly and her stance relaxed a good bit.
I smiled, handing her my credit card.
"Credit please.""Certainly, sir." She nodded and ran the card through the machine. After a few seconds, the machine let out a small beep, then the receipt printed out. The cashier handed me the receipt and card with a smile.
"Have a wonderful night!"
We smiled at her and turned, leaving the restaurant, and making our way to the parked Volvo.
Once inside the car, I turned the key, starting the engine and tirned the radio on. Simple Plan's, Addicted was currently playing. Not bad.
"So...how did her day with Jacob go?" Jasper asked, eyes locked straight ahead.
He must have felt the tension I was still carrying from today's earlier events.
"Good, as usual. She loves every second she gets to spend with him."
I spoke calmly, but I knew it wouldn't matter. Jasper could feel my emotions almost as strongly as I felt them myself."Strange...it's not really jealousy I'm gettin' from you." He stated quietly.
More like anger and regret.
I heard from his mind."I will never be able to forgive myself for what I put her through, Jasper. How can I? She's forgiven me a hundred times over, but that doesn't change what happened. When I left, Jacob was there to pick up the pieces. To fix the mess I made. Had I not left, she never would have turned to him. They never would have developed this connection...this bond that Bella and I will never quite have." I explained, pain and anger quickly rising up inside me.
Feeling the sudden shift in my mood, Jasper quickly put his gift to use. Soon as the emotions came up, they started to ebb away.
"Thank you." I breathed.
"Not a problem. I know that the wolves are our enemies, but with the way Carlisle has taught us to be, would it be entirely too crazy to consider a truce with the boy?" Jasper suggested, loading me down with doses of calm. He knew the question would probably make my blood boil if I had any.
I just raised an eyebrow, thoughtful for a moment.
"That's what she wants, I know... And, no, I don't suppose it would be entirely too crazy. Honestly, if it weren't for him being a wolf, and for my own stupid actions, I probably wouldn't have a problem with him at all." I answered, honestly.So, give it a shot.
"I mean, the happier you two are with each other, the happier Bella will be altogether." Jasper said.
I stared out of the windshield, as I mulled Jasper's words over in my mind.
"The best I can do at the moment is knock off the insults, and speak politely to the boy when I see him." I stated.
Sounds like a good start.
Jasper thought.
That was just how Jasper preferred to communicate with me most of the time. And, to be honest, I liked it that way. I could just be myself.
"So, it's settled." I started, then put the Volvo in gear, and pulled out of the restaurant parking lot.
"The very next time I see Jacob Black, I will try my hand at being nice to him." I finished, and pulled onto the road to drive down to the store that Alice and Bella were currently in.
Once I was parked, I killed the engine.
This should be interesting.
I heard Jasper's thought and turned to look at him just as I caught a familiar scent.
"Here's your chance." Jasper stated with a grin.
I looked past him, through the passenger side window to see none other than Jacob himself headed right towards us.

If you're in, I'm in.
FanfictionSummary. "Jacob..." I knew the soft voice behind me, but I couldn't bring myself to turn and face him. This was wrong! And it was all happening so fast! One minute I'm in love with my best friend, the next I'm imprinting on my worst enemy? How? How...