Chapter Thirteen: Edward

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Everything has changed so drastically, so fast.
I thought to myself, as I twirled my phone around with my fingers absent mindedly. I had given Jacob my number before Emmett and I headed home, just in case he needed it.

Rosalie wasn't exactly happy to see me when I walked in, but I really just didn't care. She was never happy with me unless I was alone and miserable. Sadly, that was only because I would never choose her. She was equally as cold to Emmett, due to his complete acceptance of the imprint.

The snippet of Emmett's thoughts that I had caught earlier at Jacob's, was not the first like that I'd heard. There had been several times over the years that I'd caught bits of both of their thoughts on how dead their relationship had become. It was sad, but not that surprising. I never thought they really belonged together in the first place.


I glanced down at the phone in my hand, a grin instantly pulling at my lips.

1 New Message
Jacob Black

Full blown grin in place, I opened the message.

From: Jacob Black 10:21 pm
So...I wasn't expecting that reaction from Emmett.

Smiling, I typed a response.

To: Jacob Black 10:22 pm
Yeah, it was nice though, wasn't it?


1 New Message
Jacob Black

From: Jacob Black 10:23 pm
Yeah, just weird lol. What are you doing?

To: Jacob Black 10:23 pm
Sitting around. Nothing to do, really. Have you heard from Bella?

From: Jacob Black 10:25 pm
Nope. Not yet. I sent her a text, but nothing.

To: Jacob Black 10:26 pm
Maybe she will answer soon. What are you doing?

From: Jacob Black 10:27 pm
Laying in bed. Thought about trying to get some sleep. So not happening.

To: Jacob Black 10:27 pm
Would you like me to come sit with you?


Crap. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.
I thought as I stared at my phone.

10:28 pm

10:30 pm

10:32 pm


I opened the new message quickly.

From: Jacob Black 10:33 pm

That was all it took. Before I could even think about what I was doing, I was out of my window, and racing through the woods to Jacob's home. I didn't slow down till I was in his yard, and once I reached his window, I sent him a text.

To: Jacob Black 10:36 pm
Look out your window.

I heard some shuffling, then there he was. Shirtless, and wide eyed, opening the window for me to come inside. God, he was beautiful.

"That was fast." He said once I was inside.

I chuckled, "Yeah, sorry."

He smiled, sitting on his bed. "Don't be sorry."

I looked around the small room, just taking in my surroundings.

"Its a little small. Messy too. I should probably clean up sometime." Jacob said from his bed with a grin.

I laughed. "Maybe so."

Watching him, I moved to sit beside him in the bed. He watched my every move, then locked eyes with me once I sat down.

So now what?
He thought.

I grinned and shrugged.

Slowly, I reached out and took his hand in mine. He laced his fingers with my own, and smiled.

"Its weird you know, I never would have thought that I'd enjoy this so much." He said, giving my hand a squeeze.

I grinned. "Yeah, I know what you mean."

We sat there, in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, just enjoying being together.

I've got so much running through my mind right now. I know there's a lot we should probably talk about, but I just don't know where to start.
He thought, staring down at our hands.

"Its okay, we'll get there. Its just going to take some time." I answered.

My love for you didn't take time. Wait.. Shit! Did I just think that? Oh, God, he's looking at me.

"I'm sorry, I'm just...I'm sorry." Hr said in a rush, before pulling his hand from mine and flopping onto his stomach, and burying his face in his pillow.

I chuckled softly. "Jake.."

I reached out and rubbed his back soothingly.

"Its okay. I understand what you mean completely, and I agree. The imprint means irrevocable, unconditional love." I added, enjoying the extreme warmth under my fingertips.

He rolled over onto his side, propped his head up on his arm, and held his free arm out to me.

Lay with me?

I smiled, and took his hand, pulling myself up to Kay down next to him.

And that's where we stayed. Staring into each others eyes, until Jacob finally fell asleep.

There were still many unanswered questions ahead of us, but one thing was absolutely definite.

I was completely, and undeniably in love with Jacob Black.

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