"Are you okay?" Jacob asked, eyeing me.
I nodded, and smiled. "I'm great."
"You just look a little...excited?" He questioned, eyebrow raised.
Alice giggled, and I shot her a warning look.
"Just happy to see you." I said, softly.
Jacob smiled, then opened the back door of the Jeep and started pulling out bags. In an instant I was beside him with every bag he had in my hands. He blinked a few times then chuckled.
"Show off."I grinned, as we headed inside. "Only for you."
"I'm going to go find Jaz. I had a wonderful time with you today, Jake!" Alice called, lingering at the front door.
"Me too! Thanks, Alice!" He called back, as we made our way up the stairs and to my room.
Once inside my room, I placed the bags I was carrying on the floor on the far side of the room, and wrapped my arms around Jacob's waist, pulling him to me, and ckisingbthe door in the process.
"You look...incredibly sexy." I said softly, smiling at him.
He grinned, snaking his arms around my middle. "Thanks. I'm glad you like what you see."
"Oh, I love what I see." I said, placing a light kiss on his nose.
"Yeah?" He whispered.
"Yeah." I answered.
I love you.
His voice rang out in my mind, making me smile wide."I love you too, beautiful." I whispered, hugging him close, and closing my eyes.
He rested his head on my shoulder, his face in the crook of my neck.
"This is so perfect." He mumbled against my skin.
I chuckled. "It really is."
He lifted his head to look at me. "Promise me something."
I grinned. "Anything."
He stared into my eyes for a moment. "Promise we'll always be like this. That we'll never be apart. That you'll always love me."
I didn't know where this sudden need for reassurance came from, but I wanted nothing more than to give in to him. So I did. And I wasn't lying.
I pressed my for head to his and closes my eyes again. "I promise, baby. I love you. I'll always love you."
Suddenly, I felt his lips on mine, and it gave me a rush that made me feel more alive than I ever had in my entire existence as a human or vampire. Leaving a soft, warm kiss, he pulled back slightly as my eyes fluttered open.
He was watching me carefully for my reaction. Biting his bottom lip, he looked down, shyly.
I lifted his chin up, making him look at me, as I leaned in and pressed my lips to his, returning the kiss.
Suddenly, I froze, then pulled back, listening.
"What...what's wrong?" Jacob whispered.
Oh, God, no! No, no, no! I should have known! I should have seen! Oh, God!
Alice's thoughts were screaming in my mind.
"I don't know. Its Alice, shes upset." I said, then kissed his forehead before pulling away to open the bedroom door. Just as I opened it, Alice came in, a frantic look on her face.
"Alice, what is it?" I asked, placing my hands in her shoulders and looking her in the face.
"I'm so, so sorry Edward! I should have paid closer attention! I'm sorry!" She exclaimed, her voice unnaturally shaky.
"What's going on?" Jacob asked.
"Alice, calm down. Explain." I said, dropping my hands from her shoulders.
She closed her eyes for a moment, gathering herself, then opened them.
"Jane came and took Bella. The Volturi has her now. I think they're going to turn her." She finally explained, her tone grave.
A deep growl rippled through the sudden silence, almost starling me. I turned to see Jacob standing there shaking, his hands balled into fists, pure rage in his eyes.
My emotions exactly.
"Alice, what exactly do you know?" I asked, barely a whisper.
She looked up at me, over to Jacob, then back at me before answering.
"I know that she is in Volterra now. I know that she never left early to the airport, it was all a cover up because Jane had her. Just now, while I was talking to Jasper, a vision hit of Bella in Alec's arms, as he bit her and let the venom spread. Thats when I checked her decisions and future more carefully, and saw that she was forced by Jane to make the case decision to leave early to her mother's."
"That bitch is gonna pay for this!" Jacob snarled, heading out the door.
I grabbed his hand, stopping him.
"Wait, we need a plan. And back up." I said, pulling him back into the room.Pulling out my phone, I pulled Alice into a hug. "Its alright, we will fix this."
Letting her go, I dialed Carlisle's number, and put the phone to my ear.
"Carlisle. We've got a problem. Jane has taken Bella. We believe Alec is going to turn her. Yes...okay. See you soon." I ended the call.
"Carlisle and Esme are on their way. Alice, get Jasper and go find Emmett and Rose." I instructed. She nodded and left.
I turned to Jacob, who was watching me for his own instructions.
"Jacob, I need you to go alert the pack, while I head to Charlie's to make sire he hasn't been harmed and isn't in any danger."
Just as he was walking past me to the door, I grabbed his arm and stopped him again.
"What are-" I cut him off, pressing lips to his, firmly. I felt him relax in my grip and lean into the kiss.
I pulled back and locked eyes with him. "I love you."
"I love you too." He breathed.
With that, I let him go. He made his way out of the house, and as I watched from the window, he phased and took off into the woods.
I then leapt from the window, and raced to Charlie's, hoping I wasn't too late.
Authors Note: omg I know its soooo short and I'm sorry but I'm juggling three stories, a job, a husband, and a house I keep clean. So...that's a lot! But I know u guys wanted an update so I did my best! Lol. I'm working on updating the others also! Thank u for all the reads!

If you're in, I'm in.
FanfictionSummary. "Jacob..." I knew the soft voice behind me, but I couldn't bring myself to turn and face him. This was wrong! And it was all happening so fast! One minute I'm in love with my best friend, the next I'm imprinting on my worst enemy? How? How...