This must be what dying feels like. I had been burning, absolutely burning, every inch of me on fire... But now, it's less, now it's fading. I can feel myself slipping, my heart stopping. I know its almost over. Please, God, let it be over.
I wasn't sure where I was anymore, or what exactly was happening. The last thing I remembered was lying to my dad about leaving a day early, and Jane racing through the woods with me on her back. She ran us here to Volterra. It was terrible! But it was nothing compared to what I'd just gone through.
The memories began to flash in my mind, dull and foggy, like looking through a dirty window.
Jane dragged me up to a pair of large doors, before throwing a cloak over my head and sending me into darkness. I was then lead blindly for a long while before the cloak was ripped away from me, and I was thrown to the ground at someone's feet.
Shakily, I managed to sit up slightly to look up at the figure in front of me. I was met with two dark, red eyes, staring down at me, as the figure crouched down to my level.
"Ah, sweet Bella. So nice of you to finally join us." Aro said in his sickeningly sweet voice.
"Aro, please." I choked out. "Please, let me go, Edward will-"
"Edward has no part in this now." Alec spoke, emerging somewhere to my left.
I jerked my head to where his voice sounded from, as I sat up more. Then I looked back to Aro.
"Oh, yes. That's right. He left you didn't he? He no longer wants you." Aro said, with a sad smile.
I just stared at him, too scared for his words to have any affect on me.
"Don't worry, little Bella. We want you." He whispered.
Suddenly, he straightened up and turned to walk away.
"Alec." He commanded softly, then left the room.
I stared as Alec made his way to me.
"No, no, no, no!" I yelled, trying desperately to get to my feet.
Before I could manage anything, Alec snatched me up and held me pressed tightly to him, one arm around my waist, the other around my chest.
I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, all I could do was scream when I felt his fangs sink into my neck and the venom spread through my veins.
I squeezed my eyes shut even tighter as the memories played over and over in my mind.
When I opened my eyes, I was amazed at what I saw.
I was laying on a huge, fancy bed, in a large bedroom that was beautifully decorated. Everything in here looked fit for a Queen. Sitting up, I stood from the bed and made my way to the dressing table across from the bed. It wasn't until I sat down and actually saw myself in the large mirror that I fully realized what had happened.
My hair was no longer mousy brown and messy. My skin no longer sickly pale. And my eyes...
Everything was changed. As the bright red eyes of the beautiful stranger stared back at me, I started to think back on recent events.
Edward had left me. He left me for Jacob. He hurt me again! After he swore he never would! And Jacob? Had he not also made his own promises of never hurting me again? Broken. Lies. All of it lies!
I new, stronger body begin to shake with anger that I never could have felt as a weak little human.
At that moment, the door to the bedroom slammed open, as Jane stepped in, followed by Alec who was dragging something.
" turned out better that I thought you would." Jane said with a smirk.
I eyed her cautiously, then looked past her at Alec and the thing he was dragging.
That's when the smell hit me.
That's when I lost myself.I jumped up, running towards Alec and the bag, only to be dropped to the ground by crippling pain.
"Tsk, tsk. Such bad manners. You should ask permission, then say thank you." She sneered.
Trying with all my might to fight through the blinding pain, I managed to sputter out, "Please!"
Even though the pain Jane was inflicting on me was enough to make me pray for death, my thirst was still much, much stronger.
"Close enough." She mumbled, releasing me from her painful grip.
I scrambled to my feet, gasping for air, even though I knew I didn't need it. As I stood there, the unimaginable thirst burning my throat, Alec stepped forward, tossing the thing in the bag at my feet. I fought the urge to drop to the floor and devour the bleeding human in front of me.
"Feed." Jane commanded.
In one swift movement, I snatched the human from the bag, and sunk my fangs into its neck, draining it completely. The thing never even moved or made a single sound.
I stood, my throat still burning some, but it was manageable.
"What do you say now?" Jane asked, voice dripping with condescension.
"Thank you." I spoke smoothly.
She smirked, and Alec grinned.
"We are going to inform Aro of your survival. It would be in your best interest to stay put." Jane said, then she and Alec both left the room, shitting and locking the door behind them.
I just stared at the lifeless body still at my feet. Kneeling down, I turned its head to examine its face.
It was a girl. Couldn't have been older than twenty. She was someone's daughter, maybe even sister. Someone's friend.
And now, she was dead. Never to be seen or heard of again. Her parents would never see her smile again. They would never see her walk down the isle. Never meet her children. All because of me.
Because I killed her.
I brushed the hair away from her eyes, which were closed, making her look so peaceful. In that moment, something changed inside me. I knew Bella was gone. Replaced with a hideous monster.
And who was to blame?
Edward Cullen.
I stood from the dead girl, pure rage rushing through me, and only one thing on my mind.
Destroy Edward Cullen and everything he holds dear.
Author's note: finally new chapter up!!! Sorry if its short and not so good, but I had to get it up. I hate making you all long for updates lol. But I want to thank you all for.all the reads and votes and comments! It means so much to me!!!!! Love u guys!!!!
Please vote and comment, let me know what u think! :)

If you're in, I'm in.
FanfictionSummary. "Jacob..." I knew the soft voice behind me, but I couldn't bring myself to turn and face him. This was wrong! And it was all happening so fast! One minute I'm in love with my best friend, the next I'm imprinting on my worst enemy? How? How...