"You know, I don't think I've ever been this content, this happy, in my whole life." I spoke quietly, nuzzling gently into Edwards chest as we laid, cuddled up to each other in the king size bed he had put in his room. I knew it wasn't for sleeping. And that thought sent a small shiver down my spine.
A soft chuckle left Edwards lips, sounding like absolute music to my ears. "I know exactly what you mean." He answered, placing a kiss on top of my head, and holding me snug against him.
I tilted my head upward so I could look at him. "I love you." The words just came so easily to me. It was like I was speaking the most absolute, and purest truth there ever was. Which was wild to me, but with the imprint being the way it was, everything just felt so natural, so right.
"I love you too, beautiful." He smiled down at me.
The way he looked at me was so powerful. It was like he was looking at the most incredible thing he'd ever seen in his life. Which was, again, wild because I didn't think I was all that special. But, to Edward? I felt like I was his entire world.
Edward's smile widened, and a light chuckle escaped his lips. My eyes widened slightly as I realized he just heard everything I was thinking about.
"It's true, you know. You are my entire world. I've never felt a love like this before. Even with.." His words faltered, and a strained expression replaced the look of adoration on his face.
Bella. I thought with a twinge of guilt in my heart.
I sighed, and moved to sit up beside Edward, sitting cross legged on the bed, facing him.
"I know that this isn't our fault. It's not something we intentionally did to her. But, I can't help feeling guilty still in a way. I'm happy, like beyond happy that we have each other. I'm thankful for the imprint because, now-" I paused, taking his hand in both of mine. "-now I have my person. My forever person. And, I'll never feel guilty for that. I just hate that something so amazing came at the cost of my best friend's feelings. I hate that it's causing her so much pain."
Edward nodded, watching me carefully. "I understand completely. I hate what this has done to her. But I agree. I can't bring myself to feel badly about the love we've found. This imprint is a strange, and powerful thing. It's made me complete. I have the other half of my soul right here in front of me. I can't imagine anything better in the world." He smiled a heart achingly beautiful smile, and gave my hands a gentle squeeze.
This had to be what people meant when they said they found heaven on earth. This was perfect. This was more than I ever thought I could have in my life.
And, suddenly, our little bubble of euphoria was ruptured.
Edward tensed, his eyebrows furrowed. Before I could even open my mouth to ask what was wrong, we were suddenly off the bed, and standing, with Edward in front of me, facing the door. About a second later the door flew open as Alice rushed in looking panicked.
"Alice, what is this?" Edward asked. The look on his face was almost unreadable. Somewhere between shock, and fear.
"I can't believe any of it. I don't want to! This is Bella! It can't be." Alice finally spoke as she paced rapidly from one end of the room to the other. She stopped in front of us, eyes locked on Edward's. "I don't understand why she would choose to do something like this."
"Hold on, can somebody please tell me what the hell is going on? What happened? What's going on with Bella?" I took a step back so that I was looking at both of them. I knew Alice must have seen something, and Edward would've seen it too by reading her thoughts. But I, on the other hand, was totally in the dark.
"Jacob.. She's completely lost herself. She's.." Alice started, then trailed off, cutting her eyes at Edward.
I locked eyes with Edward, and watched him closely. "Edward, tell me."
He held my gaze, and reached out, taking my hands in his. "Bella is going to kill Charlie."
oooookay guys lol. I'm so sorry, I know this chapter is super short and probably not as great as I implied it would be. I've had a lot going on recently and my mind hasn't been focused much on this story. I wanted to give you guys something tho. I promise the next one will be better, longer, and have a lot more going on lol. Just bear with me guys! And as for the cliffhanger I just left you with, things are not always what they seem. 😁😁

If you're in, I'm in.
FanfictionSummary. "Jacob..." I knew the soft voice behind me, but I couldn't bring myself to turn and face him. This was wrong! And it was all happening so fast! One minute I'm in love with my best friend, the next I'm imprinting on my worst enemy? How? How...