Chapter Five: Jacob

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I knew they were going to be in Port Angeles tonight. And thanks to the phone call I over heard between my dad and Charlie, I knew the restaurant they would be at too. I knew I came here to find him and I knew that I would find him.

So why was I surprised and kinda pissed when I spotted the silver Volvo in the parking lot?

I made my way up to the car and stopped on the sidewalk right in front of it, my back to its hood, and my arms crossed.

We need to talk.

I thought briskly, knowing he would hear me.

Sure enough, a car door behind me opened, then slammed shut a second later. I turned to face him, fully prepared to unload a huge chunk of mind on him...

I was going to tell him point blank how I felt about Bella, and how I felt about him being with her. I was going to tell him how, even though it would really hurt her at first, that he and his family should just pack up and go. Leave and never come back. That way I could fix her again, and this time she would stay mine. I was going to say all of those things..

But I never got the chance.

As soon as I turned, our eyes locked, and my entire world changed instantly.

Every feeling, thought, emotion, fear, hope, or anything I had for Bella was suddenly gone. Shifted to someone new. Every single ounce of love that I thought I felt for her was completely wiped out and replaced by a new, much stronger love that I never even knew I could feel. But, it wasn't for her. It was for Edward..

I stood there, in shock, watching image after image of what was to come, flashing in my mind's eye.

The first date, the first kiss, the first time we said I love you. Holding hands, making love, growing old. He was instantaneously anything and everything that I needed or would ever need for the rest of my life.

"No... No, this isn't how it's supposed to happen..." I whispered, still staring into his golden eyes.

"Edward?" Someone called from the car. I didn't know who. I didn't care. I just needed to get away!

"No!" I yelled, then turned on my heel and started running.

I didn't slow, even when I busted through a small group of people, knocking one of them down.

"Hey, watch it!" They called. But I kept running.

As soon as I hit the wood line, o phased, not really caring if I was seen or not.

What the hell?

Jacob, what's going on?

He's imprinted on one of them! A leech!

I was instantly bombarded with the confused and angry thoughts of Jared, Seth, then Quil.

Shut up, just shut up! Please! Where is Sam? I need Sam now!

I screamed in my mind, hoping Sam was close enough to hear me.

I'm here, Jacob. Keep running, we will meet head on.

Sam's voice rang out loud and clear above the others, and I shot forward as hard and fast as my legs would carry me. Soon enough, I caught his scent, and began to slow so I wouldn't just smack right into him.

I came to a stop, and a few short seconds later, Sam came bounding up to me.

Jacob, calm down.
He started.

How can I calm down? I imprinted on a freaking vampire, Sam! Our sole enemy! The reason that we are what we are! How is that even possible?
I yelled back at him in my mind.

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