Chapter one

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*Wills pov*

Life is a strange thing.  It's like a game of cards.  When you play cards you get dealt a hand.  Your cards can be good or bad.  Your good or bad card will determine if you lose or win the game.  If you're losing the game of cards you're luck can turn around and you'll get better cards.  I believe that life is very similar to this.

I hope I can get better cards in this strange now place I'll now call home.

"Will, there's the school you'll be going to."  Mom says optimistic as she points the building out.  She looks at me through the review mirror and I nod, giving her a hopeful smile.

I didn't want to go to a new school.  A new school meant to people.  New bullies.  I shiver at the thought and continue to look out my window.

We pass by a group of boys on bikes, there were three of them.  I wish I had friends like that.  I thought to myself.  But who would want to be friends with me right?


"Will come on you have two more boxes down here!"  Jonathan calls to me.  I scoff and walk down the hall. 

"Do you need any help?"  He asks as I pick up the box.  I shake my head no and he nods.

I bring the box into my room and put it on my bed.  Then I mimic my actions with the next box.  I sigh and open the first box.  It was full of clothes.  I pull out my blue t-shirt and a flashback begins before I can stop it.

"USELESS WOMAN."  Dad shouts at mom and hits her.

"Don't talk to her like that!"  Jonathan screams and runs to protect mom.  Dad throws him on the ground without even trying.  His head hits the wall and his eyes close.

"JONATHAN!"  I scream and run over to him. 

His eyes don't open.  I check for a pulse just in case.  He's just passed out.  I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding.

"DONT TOUCH MY KIDS LONNIE!"  Mom cries as dad walks over to me and throws me off of Jonathan.  My back hits the wall behind me and I let out a gasp. 

"I'll do whatever I please."  Dad scoffs and kicks my ribcage.  I try to move away which results in him picking me up by shirt collar and pushing me against the wall.

"LONNIE STOP YOUR GONNA HURT HIM."  Mom cries and runs over to me.  Dad drops me and pushes her away, she tumbles to the ground. 

"Mom!"  I shout trying to run to her, dad pushes me back up to the wall.

"A fag like him should be hurt."  He replies coldly.  I try to fight my way out of his grasp which results in him punching my chest hardly.  Everything went black.

A shiver goes down my spine as I remember my dad.  I put my shirt inside my dresser and close it.  Then I walk to the box and take out all the clothes.  I put them into piles which doesn't take long.  I lost most of my belongings because dad burnt them.

I put my clothes in my boring dresser and throw the box into the hallway.  Then I open the next box.  It's full with my art stuff and decorations for my room.  I glance over at the desk in the corner of my new room.  I pick up the box and set it down on the desk.  I take out my sketching book, my pencil case,  my sharpener,  my thumbtacks,  my sticky notes, my paints, my markers and pencils, and my tape and stapler.  I set the box down on the floor and organize the desk so it looks neat. 

I pulled out a poster of The Clash.  Jonathan had got it for me for my birthday last year.  I smiled at the memory and pulled out the poster.  I look around my room for the perfect spot.  Above my bed frame called to me.  I grabbed a few pieces of tape, put them on my fingers and jumped onto my bed.  I put the poster where it looked the most centered and put the first piece of tape down.  I repeated this process three more times before I stepped back to look at it.  It was a little off center but you couldn't tell unless you tried to. 

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