Chapter two

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*Mikes pov*

I arrived at school before any of my friends.  I lock my bike up and look around the grounds.  There's a few people here.  I recognized everyone.  Well mostly everyone.  There was one small boy in particular that I didn't recognize.  He had light brown hair, it was a bowl cut but he could actually pull it off unlike everyone else I've ever seen.  He had worried, green eyes that looked lost.  He looked around desperately.  I could tell he was a new kid.  I got excited.  We never have new kids here.  I wonder what his name is.  I'm debating on going over to ask him when Dustin and Lucas pull up to the bike rack.

"Hey loser.  What are you staring at?"  Lucas asked as he chained up his bike.  Dustin mimicked his actions. 

"I think there's a new kid look, the one with brown hair."  I gestured to him while his back was turned.

"He looks scared."  Dustin stated the obvious once again.

"Wow really Dustin?  I couldn't tell."  I said sarcastically.

"Should we introduce ourselves?"  Lucas asked cautiously as he turned to Dustin who shrugged.

"We can later.  I wanna see if he's in our class."  I told them, not taking my eyes off the worried boy who was now focused on the parking lot as students started to arrive.

"He looks like he's in 5th grade."  Lucas laughed and I shoved him. 

"Don't be rude."  I roll my eyes.

"Says the one who's always rude to everyone."  Dustin pointed out.  I scoff.

Max and Jane pulled up next to us and chained up there bikes in a swift motion.

"Hey freaks.  What's up?"  Max asked as her and Jane walked over to us.  The boys head turns in our direction and I quickly turn away and look at the girls.

"Mike is stalking the new kid."  Dustin snickered.  I shoved him and rolled my eyes.

"I am not.  He just looks worried.  You know how worried you were when you came here in 4th grade."  I argued.  He shrugged.

"Alright kids enough arguing, come on we're gonna be late."  Jane says and we all walk up the stairs to the front doors.  I glance back at the worried boy, his eyes were already on me.


*Wills pov*

"And this is our new student...drum roll please....Will Byers!"  The teacher announces and the whole class goes quite and looks at me.  "I'm Mr. Clark,"  he introduced himself to me,  "why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself Will."  The teacher invites.

"Er...alright."  I felt my chest get more heavy as I continue, "I'm Will...I'm thirteen...and I like to draw."  I gave a short introduction.

"He looks like a queer."  I heard someone whisper and someone else laugh.  I took a deep breath and the teacher invited me to sit in the front left corner. 

I put my bag down next to me and got my notebook and a pencil out.  I suddenly realized that, that was the first time I've talked in months.  I let out a breath and looked back at the teacher and he begins class.

"Today I'm going to be showing you all a documentary on how the human brain works.  Now pay close attention, we will have a quiz on this Friday.  If you take notes,"  he throws me a quick smile, "then you will be allowed to use them on the test."  The whole class groans. 

I glance next to me.  It's the boy that was looking at me before school started.  He was looking at me now.  Again.  He probably thought I was a freak.  He had black hair that went down to almost his shoulders.  He had a lot of freckle's but in a good way.  He had deep, dark, brown eyes.  His skin was pale, but not as pale as me.  I tore my eyes away from him as Mr. Clark started the presentation.

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