Chapter seven

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*Wills pov*

I was the last one to breakfast the next day.  I got out of the car and everyone ran to me.

"Finally your here!"  Dustin exclaims.  "I'm starving."  He adds and everyone laughs.  Mike gives me a quick hug and we all go inside as mom and Jonathan pull out of the parking lot.

We got a seat inside the diner.  It was a circular booth in the corner of the room.  I sit in between Mike and Max.  Jane sat next to Max and Lucas and Dustin sat next to Lucas.

"So lovebirds-"  Dustin starts.

"Is that what you're going to call us every time you see us now?"  Mike asks and everyone laughs.

"Perhaps I will.  Who's to stop me?"  Dustin replied in a dramatic voice.  Mike rolled his eyes.

"So what happened last night?"  Lucas asked.  Mike must have told them that we were telling our parents.

"It went fine."  Mike shrugged.  "My dad was well you know.  But other then that it went really good."  He said with a smile.

"That's good!"  Max says supportively.

"Yeah."  Mike shrugs.

"Are we going to the arcade after this?"  Jane asks.

"Yeah if you guys want to."  Lucas says emotionless.  Everyone agrees.

"Will why aren't you talking?"  Dustin asks, half breaking me out of my trance.

"Sorry, im exhausted."  I apologize.  I got no sleep last night.  I did fall asleep for an hour but I had a nightmare and woke up.  Then I was up thinking and before I knew it the sun was up.

"Why are you so exhausted?"  Mike asks.  I shrug.

"I couldn't sleep.  It's not that big of a deal."  I say.

"Hi I'm Alice."  A lady around Jonathans age walked over to us.  "I'll be your waitress this morning.  Can I get you guys some drinks to start off with?" 

"I'll get a cola."  Lucas starts.

"Chocolate milk."  Dustin says. 

"Orange juice."  Jane adds.

"Apple juice."  Max says while looking at the menu.

"I'll get iced tea I guess."  Mike says with a shrug.

"Um water."  I mutter.

"Got it!  I'll be right out with those."  She smiles and walks away.

"Water?"  Max scoffs.

"I didn't know what else to get."  I lie, not wanting to admit that I've only ever gotten water at restaurants.

We all talk about random things.  Somewhere in between ordered our food.  Dustin got pancakes.  Lucas got eggs and bacon.  Jane ordered waffles.  Max got an omelet.  Mike and I got pancakes and French Toast to share as well as eggs.  Once our food comes out everyone starts eating.

"You guys are so cute!"  Jane says happily.  Everyone else agrees and I smile and Mike grabs my hand and holds it while eating. 

"Thanks guys."  Mike says with a smile.


*Wills pov*

We all walked over to the arcade.  It wasn't that far of a walk.  Maybe eight minutes or so.  Mike held my hand the whole way there and I felt my face red the whole time.

We got to the arcade and went inside.  We played a few games in silence.  Then we all started screaming and laughing.  I didn't play many games, mainly because I didn't want to spend a lot of the money mom gave me in case we needed it for something.

"Will, are you going to play any games or just stare into space?"  Dustin asks with a laugh.  Mike hits him and he cusses under his breath.  I laugh.

"Sorry, yeah I'll play this one."  I say and insert 25 cents into the machine.


*Mikes pov*

Miss. Byers dropped me off at home after we got done with the arcade. 

"Thanks for the ride Miss. Byers."  I thanked her as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Anytime!"  She says with a smile.

"Bye Will."  I say and kiss his cheek.  His face goes a light shade of red.  Cute.

I get out of the car and walk up to my house.  Holly was at a friends house for the day so I knew she wouldn't be home.  Nancy was probably off with Ally or something which meant that mom and dad were the only ones home.

I walk through the door quietly.  Mom was on the phone, dad was watching tv.  He scoffed when he saw me and I rolled my eyes.  I ran up to my room.  I haven't talked to my dad since everything happened.  My mom I only talk to when I need to.

I slammed my door behind me and laid down on my bed.  I grabbed my book off my nightstand and began reading.

*Wills pov*

I sat in the living room with Jonathan.  He was watching tv and I was drawing in my sketchbook.  Mom had picked up an extra shift at work so she wasn't going to be home until 10 tonight it was 8 now.

I was sketching a memory.  A memory of Jonathan and I when we lived in the city.  We had gotten onto the rooftop of our favorite bakery.  I don't remember how but I remember we got scared of dad and somehow we found a way up there.  It was the first time I'd ever had fun.  Jonathan played 'should I stay or should I go' for me for the first time.  We had snacks from the bakery that we were eating and Jonathan was telling me stories from middle school.

It's taken me a few days to get the background exactly right.  Then I had to draw Jonathan and I the right age.  I don't remember what I really looked like back then so I tried to do my best. 

"What have you been drawing for the past six hours?"  Jonathan asked.

"A memory."  I said shortly and erased myself again.

"What memory?"  He tries to look over my shoulder and I laugh.

"It was the time we were on top of that bakery.  When you showed me the song 'should I stay or should I go'."  I explain and he smiles.

"That was fun."  He agreed.

"You can have the sketch when I'm done with it.  I mean if you want."  I suggest.

"Yes!  Please!  I love your drawings."  He says with a grin.  I smile.

"They aren't that good."  I said, nitpicking at everything wrong with my current sketch.

"There great, I don't know what your talking about."  He says.  I laugh.

"Thanks Jonathan."


So like I said last chapter, I'm not sure what to put for these chapters because I know how I want this to end but I'm not sure what to put.  So next chapter there's going to be a time skip to December. 

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