Chapter nine

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*Wills pov*

Bob, Jonathan and I rode to the clothing store on Saturday.  It was just gonna be Jonathan and I but Bob wanted to come with us which I thought was nice.  Mom was working, overdose she would have went with us.

We got downtown and I looked out my window.  The snow falling harder then it had been all week.  There were a lot of people just walking around with shopping bags.  It was nice to feel like you were in a place where everyone belonged.

Bob found a parking spot and we all got out of the car and went inside.

"Alright, you can pick anything.  You to Jonathan since you're working there."  Bob says with a smile. 

"Thank you."  I said and we walked over to the suits.

Jonathan tried on four before he found one that he liked.  However I tried on seven and still couldn't find one that looked right.  I groaned in frustration as I put the suit back on the rack.

"Here what about this one?"  Jonathan asks. 

"I'll try it on."  I mumbled and take it from his hand. 

I go into the dressing room once again and put on the suit.  It wasn't awful but it didn't look good on me.  The sleeves were to long and the collar looked weird on me.  I ripped off the suit in frustration, got dressed again and walked back out to Jonathan and Bob.  I shook my head and Jonathan took the suit for me.

"This one?"  Bob asked.  I sighed and took the light blue suit from him.  I walked over to the changing room and tried it on.  It didn't look half bad.  Actually it look kind of nice.  I walked out of the changing room to show Jonathan
and Bob.

"What do you guys think?"  I ask desperately.

"Oh blue is definitely your color."  Jonathan nods.

"It looks good bud.  Do you like that one or do you want to keep looking?"  Bob asks.

"I think I like this one.  Thank you!"  I say with a smile and run back to the changing room.  I put the suit back on the hanger and got changed into my normal clothes. 

Jonathan and Bob waited and the suits.  We all walked over to cash out. 

"That'll be $123."  The lady said.  Bob pulled out his credit card and gave it to her.

"Sorry I should have picked a cheaper one."  I bit my lip.

"No don't worry about it.  I'm glad you found one that you like.  And I'm sure Mike will like it."  He says with a smile and the lady gives him his card back.

"You're all set.  Have a great day."  She says with a smile.  We walk out of the store and to the car.  We put the bags into the car and got in.

"Now...Who wants ice cream?"  Bob says with a smile. 

I've been with Mike two times to get ice cream but other then that and the time I went with my aunt I haven't had it.

"Sure!"  Jonathan says, knowing I won't say anything.

Bob drives down the road and makes a right turn.  He pulls into a parking space and we all get out and go into the ice cream shop.

"Hey Bob.  I see you're back again.  Who are these two?"  The lady immediately recognizes Bob.  Jonathan and I look at each other confused.

"Good to see you Alice.  This is Jonathan and Will.  Their my girlfriends kids."  He says with a smile.

"Oh!"  She exclaims.  "It's so nice to finally meet you two.  I've heard so much about you both.  And about your mom.  Bob and I are childhood friends."  She explains.

"Nice to meet you to."  Jonathan greets and I just smile.

We all order our ice cream and talk with Alice for a little bit.  Then we left and went home.  Bob had moved in over the week.  He was already unpacked and settled and everything.  I remember when we moved here.  We didn't get fully unpacked for a few weeks.

I went to my room and put the suit in the closet.  I've never owned clothing this expensive before.  It's weird.  Really weird.

I grabbed my Walkie-Talkie and radioed Mike.

"Hey Mike.  Are you there?  Over."  I ask.  There was static for a minute before a voice came through.

"Yeah I'm here.  How did it go?  Over."  He asks.

"It went great!  I found the perfect thing to wear and Bob brought Jonathan and I to ice cream.  He's a really great guy.  Over."  I say with a smile.

"That's great Will.  I'm glad you trust him.  And  I can't wait to see what you wear to the dance.  Over."  I could tell he was happy for me and it made me even happier. 

"I can't wait to see what your wearing!  Didn't Nancy pick it out?  Over."  I ask.

"Yeah she did.  She has good taste surprisingly.  Over."  He admits.  I laugh.

"Bob was the one who picked mine out actually.  I really like it.  Over."  I said with a small smile.

"I'm happy you like it.  Over."  He said.

We walked about random stuff for about an hour before he had to leave to go eat dinner.  I turned my Walkie-Talkie off and laid down on my bed.  I was so bored. 

I decided to do another drawing of Mike and I.  I had been drawing Mike and I a lot lately.  I couldn't help it.  It was fun to draw us.  Plus, Mike loved the drawings.  He always asks if he can keep them.

I sat at my desk with my notebook and pencil and started sketching.


Sorry if this chapter is short and boring.  I'm trying to do the rest of this story a certain way.

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